Screenshots Needed for new ETO-PTO Website

:wavey:Would be nice if some kind painter could put nipon markings on ETOs do24_t. Except for the three engines It looks alot like an Kawanishi H6K4 Mavis. The marvis had four. :redface: Wish I had half the talent a lot of folks here have, I would try doing it myself.

I can do that. Would you prefer the natural finish, or the overall green version?

What I'd really like to do is an Emily (along with the Sunderland, and Catalina)



No problem I'll send several to you I have some good ones, or bad ones depends on how you view them LOL Lots oF blown up stuff..
I like that Tony too. ls that a Aerosim bird ? If it is I got it, but not with that beautiful paint,

OT - It's one of the Aerosim birds. I think that's one of Jaycees skins. It should be in the DL section under repaints. If you can't locate it send me PM.:mixedsmi: