Where on earth did you get that?!?! I toured DYT a long time ago when my daughter was a baby. That hangar with that little emblem gave away the scenery for me. I also have taken my kids down to the beach just north of the airport numerous times. Park Point has probably the best stretch of beach in MN.
Here's some pics from, oh boy, at least a decade ago. The beech on floats was owned by Jeno Paulucci originally - heard of Totino's Pizza Rolls? I used to vector them for ILS approaches at Duluth (low approach only of course lol) - and I've watched that thing many times do splash and goes on the water runways in the harbor
20120602_IMG_7990 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
This helicopter, R44, owned by my good friend and his amazing flight school, Lake Superior Helicopters. Over time we developed an excellent working relationship with LSH from the ATC side of the mic. They were down here doing Summer tours of the harbor, north shore etc.
20120602_IMG_8014 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
"super cruiser 78473" - I've also worked them a few times on radar
20120602_IMG_8020 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
This lovely little bird belongs in the water!
20120602_IMG_8022 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
Hey Ryan, I love the photos! Whenever I think of Sky Harbor I think of that Beech 18 - just about every time I've been up to Duluth I've seen it flying around there and doing "splash and goes".
The Sky Harbor airport scenery was just released yesterday by Verticalsim, and can be found here: https://verticalsims.com/shop/mfs/mfs-kdyt/
The airport scenery is nice, but I would be even more interested in a product that brought more life to the cities of Duluth, Superior, and Two Harbors through adding all of the missing "points of interest" that would make flying around the area in the sim a whole lot more fun and worthwhile. Detailed airports are only nice to have for the short period of time you're there, on the ground. Still, if someone does anything for Minnesota for this sim, I'm going to support it (case in point...).
Thanks... I purchased this yesterday as soon as I saw these haha. However I have a weird issue - depending on where on load up (at the ramp, or say, on the runway) only some of the buildings appear. Support said someone else had this issue but they are working on a potential fix. I thought it might be a slider setting but changing those did nothing.
It's a common problem for anyone creating their own objects. Asobo's got to come up with a solution for controlling visibility distance. There's a couple solutions I've seen out there, kind of a pain in the butt though (for instance, a very large plane underneath ground level for each object).
I think there's a limit or such regarding the total number of library objects. If you have several other airports in your community folder, try removing a few and see what happens.
very nice !
vc works too ?
I was going by what was said regarding the payware Key West scenery when customers complained about missing buildings and the dev's put it off on MS. I can't replicate anything other than some airports that all users report nothing but jetways.I don't think that would affect visibility radius... didn't he say the objects just don't show up till he gets close, effectively (actual comment was, depending on where you spawn, you can't see the buildings)...
With regard to the Verticalsim Sky Harbor airport scenery - if I load a flight from the parking/ramp, all of the hangars load up right away/all are visible and stay visible. If I load a flight from the runway, however, only a couple of the hangars appear, unless I slew/move closer to the locations of the hangars and wait for them all to appear, and then they all stay loaded/visible afterward.