
Thanks for the nod Denny, but to be fair the T-33 paint kit is extremely challenging to work with if you are using 2D software like a lot of us still do, so a bit of artistic license is allowable, IMHO. That area where the RCAF shadow titles, nationality marking, and turbine stripe all merge together at the rear fuselage was a full day of futzing around to get finished, and I’m still not 100% satisfied with it!

As I’ve said, I’m no artist, so accuracy is all I have going for me :)
Oh, for sure, and I'm not dissing the other one! ScorpionBC has done a bunch of wonderful RCAF paints for various planes, and I have a fleet of his Canadian Mustangs. Y'all are both super-talented.

I keep hoping one of y'all will pick up the DC Designs F-5 and do an RCAF scheme for it, since the two of you do such an amazing job keeping Canada represented. :)