
Donation drives

SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

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This B-17E had an interesting back story...

I had heard that B-17's in the PTO were terrible at hitting ships, moving or not. This one seemed to have solved that riddle - great bombardiers (of course we don't know how many they actually targeted during their entire tour).

Apparently she was crewed by some hotshot gunners as well (18 kills!). I imagine that defending against Zero's and Oscars at gun range must have been like swatting gnats!

I could definitely see this one in the "Hangar"! :encouragement:
Sneak peek ... :cat: Captain Kurt's been busy again ...


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I took some time away from hand-flying rivers linked to G2K to try to create the short-lived runway complex at Gusap...

I've finished the coastlines all the way round to Awar Point, but there's lots of rivers to map, plus create land & waterclass.


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Decided the landclass really needed doing, the Ramu Valley floor was grassland, not dark green jungle...

Created some subdued grassland textures to use with EZ-Landclass, I'm quite pleased with the initial look so far ...

The Gusap field layout isn't very well documented, as it was not active for very long, the war in PNG moved away pretty quickly.

Mainly grass & gravel runways, spartan facilities & not much tree cover. Difficult not to look too empty & indefensible against air attack.

From the few photos available it looked like the hardstands used some "shallow" c-shaped revetments, so knocked these up in G-Max...


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Decided the landclass really needed doing, the Ramu Valley floor was grassland, not dark green jungle...

Created some subdued grassland textures to use with EZ-Landclass,...

UncleTgt, your landclass scenery looks great and is a vast difference from the stock offering. I have a question. Which version of EZ-Landclass did you use? I see the latest is 3.01, then 3.0 and finally 2.00 which I have. Thank you sir~
The kunai grass looks great John. I didn't realise Gusap was so extensive. Thanks again for transforming New Guinea and the Solomons. :ernaehrung004:
UncleTgt, your landclass scenery looks great and is a vast difference from the stock offering. I have a question. Which version of EZ-Landclass did you use? I see the latest is 3.01, then 3.0 and finally 2.00 which I have. Thank you sir~

I use EZ-Landclass2 to create the land & waterclass. I don't recall getting EZLC to work...

Here's Dirk's readme saved as a pdf, useful as a tutorial document, together with a list of the landclass numbers used. The left-hand column is the nnnh2sun texture I found that displayed (if you're working in the SWPTO area) when I experimented with this useful tool.


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The kunai grass looks great John. I didn't realise Gusap was so extensive. Thanks again for transforming New Guinea and the Solomons. :ernaehrung004:

Yes, Kevin, Gusap seems a bit of a mystery. It's quoted as having 8 different runways, although being grass landing fields most of them seem pretty short for WW2 ops. The 1944 map identifies the general runway locations, but little else. It does denote a single runway each for fighters, bombers, & transports, so I've chosen to represent those as PSP runways & kept the others as grass/gravel Cub or Emergency strips.

The different runway orientations suggest that wind directions varied quite a lot in the Ramu valley floor...

A great resource for terrain details can be found at Monash University, they had all the Australian WW2 Terrain Studies available for download... Availability seems a bit hit & miss though...
Still plodding on with PNG scenery expansions using G2K & EZ-Landclass, with FSSC for the airstrips...

This is Dumpu, a pre-war strip further West down the Ramu Valley from Gusap, & used as an Emergency strip.


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I've recently been enjoying your Huon Gulf Scenery. Can't say enough regarding the prewar version. These primitive grass strips are fantastic. It's a hoot trying to get in and out of them. Can't wait till your Gusap complex is ready. Many Thanks UT.
I've recently been enjoying your Huon Gulf Scenery. Can't say enough regarding the prewar version. These primitive grass strips are fantastic. It's a hoot trying to get in and out of them. Can't wait till your Gusap complex is ready. Many Thanks UT.

Glad someone is enjoying it.

Guinea Gold Airways certainly was an interesting outfit. I don't even think the 1930's air transport set up by them to service the goldmine operations SW of Lae has been reproduced in FS9, so this scenery will be the only way of experiencing it...:untroubled:

and it's destroyable too :a1310:
I've flown the Ford TriMotor and Junkers W-34 to several of the fields in this scenery, it was great fun!
I've flown the Ford TriMotor and Junkers W-34 to several of the fields in this scenery, it was great fun!

I agree the Ford and W-34 are super, but for best short field in and out you can't beat the Cessna 195 revision by UncleTgt. It has great slow approach control as well as plenty of power to get back out. The cargo and passengers are great additions. I have found that my cargo drops appear to explode just like bombs. Not so cool.
I use EZ-Landclass2 to create the land & waterclass. I don't recall getting EZLC to work...

Here's Dirk's readme saved as a pdf, useful as a tutorial document, together with a list of the landclass numbers used. The left-hand column is the nnnh2sun texture I found that displayed (if you're working in the SWPTO area) when I experimented with this useful tool.

UncleTgt thank you very much for sharing that tutorial, quite an education for me! I am only a beginner at best... but I am learning.

Some times RL gets in the way, hence my late response. Thank you again sir~
Aleution Islands

Here's a couple of pics of P-38'at the Aleution Islands/Scenery by Uncle Tgt.



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