
If anyone want's my texture that i use in my late shots, you can grab it here:
Well i use 7 seasons/wmscenery, so i don't know exactly where to put this file in CFS3 stock folder

Credits to Martin (IL-2 forum), Compans (IL-2) & Aime Leclerq (FSX)

For Summer :

For Winter (It's different texture from summer, because i don't have those summer tile in winter version):

Enjoy! :encouragement:

Thanks Wiek,
I the middle of building missions here, haven't had the time to reload all the scenery work from you.
Using my Virgin ETO set up for the missions. Once I get all the various (ETO) SCW, MAW missions complete I plan to re-load all of this into my Advanced ETO install along with Master Ankors work
:applause: :applause: :applause:
With the new clouds, and MAW scenery By Master Stary, and Master Ankor's latest shine install This looks Great..


  • B-17 Maw 001.jpg
    B-17 Maw 001.jpg
    88.8 KB · Views: 4
WOW! Too Cool Keep them coming..
Thanks very much..
off to beat the elves in the missions factory, needs more missions..:violent-smiley-031:

Soon as I get all the various sets out I am going to dance in my ETO advanced set ups with all of this.
:applause: :applause: :applause: