
are you kidding me?

No, absolutely no . I wish have this so beautyful image on my pc . I have a nvidia gfx 660 whit 2 Gb vram , and i have the clouds a bit " square " , have a winding man terrain , but not have same result like you.
The WOFF terrain is different from the Winding Man terrain, even though the same guy did both. The WOFF version is his latest and greatest. It's payware and you can get it here:
Kind of expensive, but well worth it as you get a very nice WWI sim plus you can copy the scenery over to CFS3. The rest of what I'm using either is now, or will be available as freeware.
Yea sorting out which files I need from my WOFF install here too.
Will be trial and error for a minute but I shall sort it all out. Oh yea!!
Much rejoicing!!
Thank you , Gecko , but i'm out . First i have win7 32 bit , intel core 4 3,2mhz overclocked , and my video card is nvidia gf660. Not enought for run woff.
There are truly some fantastic shots in this thread.

Still one of my favourite CFS3 aircraft.

Hi Daniel, yes I am! :0) I had a small windfall so now have this (spec. was to run WoFF at full settings):
I3 Processor
H81M-C Motherboard
8GB 1600MHz DDR3
650W PSU 4GB
GTX 970
Windows 7 Home Premium upgraded to 10
32" HD monitor

I can't believe how good cfs3 can look! My only issue is with getting a decent display on the big screen to get it to look even better.

Thanks got all now, as for upright, which way is up again?? OOOPPS! :biggrin-new:
A bright morning looking out over the Channel at Deal, UK. Reflections courtesy of a WIP version of Ankor's shaders.

Just had to take a pic of the wonderful Spitfire mk v Flying in MAW with Stary's new scenery. My first picture post.


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Still flying the Defiant! If you can line up a decent target for your gunner those 4 close grouped brownings are deadly...

He're a shot showing the environmental reflections created by AnKor's development shaders we're testing. There are clouds and sky reflected off the tail and you can see a stripe of the ocean along the side. The sea surface is reflecting the visible clouds now as well.

A static shot does not do this justice as the dynamic changes in the reflections as you turn and bank are really quite mesmerizing to watch.

Albatross D Va (200), Jasta 71, 1918 near Calais
OFF BHAH with SweetFX and AnKor's shaders.