
Just to :jump: this thread up again!

Loving Ankors shaders, the cloud shadows on the water and land are simply amazing! They've also breathed a bit of new life into the old Alphasim CFS2 Bulldog.

Wonderful, Pat! Been waiting for one for a while.

I've got a few ideas with my Battle of Britain series I've been working on the last few years! Still working on it. Plus I may have found a major way for us to improve CFS3's AI.

Nice to be back here again and back with CFS3,

Welcome back...

...and yes, can't wait for the Hampden! ...such an odd bird :teapot:
Kinda reminds me of a persona with a golf ball torso and tooth picks for legs...
ooohhh....a bit more detail than I expected on the Hampden :wiggle:

Ted built it for FS9 so it's pretty good, much better than I could do anyway! There are a few areas that didn't smooth properly after conversion but overall it looks the part.

It could do with the texture tidying up if any of our painters are looking for a job! :0)

Ted built it for FS9 so it's pretty good, much better than I could do anyway! There are a few areas that didn't smooth properly after conversion but overall it looks the part.

It could do with the texture tidying up if any of our painters are looking for a job! :0)

Blimmin' gorgeous Clive! Are the gunstations working?

It's a nearly complete CFS3 conversion of Milton Shupe's FS 2004 Howard 500 by Dancat. Other than the updated engines, it could be a dead ringer for a Lockheed C-56/C-60. MATS texture by Joáo Paz and RAF texture by Damian Radice. It needs flap and gear door animation, as well as few texture fixes - all beyond my skill. There is also no cockpit. It has the original flight model but needs some adjustments to the contact points - still working on that. Looks and handles great in sim! If there were no takers for the GMAX work, I would be tempted to upload it as is.:mixed-smiley-010: