SECTIONF8 Sabre released !


SOH Staff
Staff member
I have just finished uploading our F-86 Sabre base pack to Avsim, guys. Yes, no kidding ! :mixedsmi:

Look for '' in the library's 'What's New' department.

Because of the 'screening' it might still take a couple hours before it gets thru ...:kilroy:

Skin texture pack will be next.

I hope you'll find our beloved Sabre puppy to have been worth the waiting. In any case, Hansi, Rob, Cliff, Dudley and me had a lot of fun developing it. We certainly hope that will go the same for you 'flying' it.

Many thanks to you and the team for this fine plane.

"No greater love hath a man who makes freeware for his fellow man"
:ernae::ernae::ernae:...I will be up...watching the Phillies so hopefully they win and the Sabre comesup for download!!!! Woo hoo!!! Thank you!!!!
THIS IS GREAT:mixedsmi::jump::icon_lol::icon_lol::applause::mixedsmi::mixedsmi::mixedsmi::mixedsmi:
Thank you Jan. This is, in my humble opinion, the greatest model ever in the world of FS. A case of Cajun Koolaid is enroute to you.


Osan AB :d

Anyone want an AI configuration for these beauties? I'll gladly post it.
(Still at 26 FPS all sliders maxed to the nuts in these shots, but I've got a not too shaby rig so YMMV)

Thanks for the countless hours you've poured into this project. It is nothing short of magnificent!


You rock!
Having been lucky enough to have a couple days to fly the jet I must say it is awesome. My only changes were to make the textures DXT3 to get some better frame rates.

The only snag I've found, ON MY SYSTEM, is that my active camera does not work with it. I'm not sure why but it sounds like its just me.

This is an awesome jet and I'm sure that once the paint kit is out....we'll see many new paints...including from me.
Now why can't I find it................?
Because its late, and you're tired from going to Avsim every five minutes and checking their new files... and because you missed the fine print..

Because of the 'screening' it might still take a couple hours before it gets thru you go back through the forum and look at all the pretty screenies .. or watch a video on the F-86 in anticipation of its release.. :applause:

Kinda wears you out, doesn't it MM? :ernae:

I'll get it in the morning, tired now. Many thanks Javis, it's gonna be test flown a lot tomorrow. :ernae:

I'll get it in the morning, tired now. Many thanks Javis, it's gonna be test flown a lot tomorrow. :ernae:

Same here, can't keep my head up any longer. Besides, if I try to fly in my present state, GOODNESS GRACIOUS GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!
Looks like I'll be getting it tomorrow. Almost 0300 EDT and the AvSim screeners haven't activated it yet.