SECTIONF8 Sabre released !

Is this a native FSX Sabre?
Tried to find it at Avsim but no luck.
I tried '' But the request comes
up with nothing.
Regards Anthin

This Sabre is an FS9-only release - I understand it can be ported to FSX, but with some issues.

It can be found on Avsim. Try searching that same filename in the FS2004 section and you'll find it.
I picked it up at, along with the Update that was noted in the File Description.

Any tips or Install issues I should know about?

FS9 on XPSP3, OLD rig (socket 478... need I say more?).
None were ever done - that I'm aware of, anyway - as it was never formally released.
I've never tried any other skins on it, so I don't know if the mapping is the same.


I tried some of my other texture sets on the hardwing model and found a couple slight mapping differences. The stretch on the aft fuselage and the gunsight radar are done differently. As far as I could tell the wings are the same (the fences may need painting). There is a new texture bitmap for the right side console in the vc, but it doesn't overwrite any existing textures.

Someone who knows a little about painting could probably whip something up by adapting the existing paint kit.

I hope my previous post didn't confuse the issue... I was referring to the F-86 Base Package and its associated Update, not the USAF repaint.

Sorry about that...

Im still digging my tires into runway on landing no matter how soft I land, I though I had it fixed but I guess I was wrong, can some one tell me something else to try? Lee
Methink it's a mesh or terrain issue
Have no problems (originals contact points)
