SECTIONF8 Sabre released !

Ephram : it never was Cliff's intention to produce a layered repaint kit for the Sabre model. So felix is right, i started developing it myself but other work got in the way. It happend to be Don Feeley's very generous offer to use his magnificent Sabre line drawings that work on a layered repaint kit got into a 'rapid' with result of the fuselage being almost finished now. Here's a few WIP shots of an RAF F4 Sabre which i am producing together with setting up the repaint kit for colored Sabres :



It will be available for both the slatted wing and new hard-wing version. Extensive remapping and external model upgrades have also been applied.

Don's line drawings ( including panellining, rivets in various sizes, and all the stencils you could wish for at the right places ) are extremely detailed but need to be sized down heavily to fit the textures. As you can see even on these compressed jpg's, there's still quite a nice percentage of these details left. You will find seperate dark and light layers of the lining/rivets to either use seperately or together to work as a 'bumpmap' . We have bumpmapping in FSX why not in FS9.. :bump::amen:

Whens the True FSX version coming? IS there a true FSX version Anyway? Sorry If i missed it
..not to mention..downright .. 'eye-watering'..'heart-stopping' and 'lethal-looking'
Give me a second while I get a napkin and wipe the drool from my beard..!

Fly High ...Punch Holes in the Sky

I always knew there was a reason for me to do those drawings. Now I know what it was. Outstanding:applause:.
Thank you,guys, and thank you, Don ! Looks indeed very much like your drawings and our Sabre model were ment for eachother, going to be a fruitfull marriage no doubt ! :ernae:

@ Nick : FSX version IS in the works but since it is clear that FSX will be with us for a looooong time to come i'm taking it easy. :cool:

Came back to this one after a small break.
Second time around is almost better, without the hype y'see.
If like me you have an aircraft foot fetish, you can't help but find this thing just plane gorjiss.

Holy Crap, That is fantastic detail. Love playing with the F86 anyway, but to have such eye candy is almost to much :faint:

Thank you F8 crew, just totally outstanding.

Ol' Jarhead :wavey:
From the SECTIONF8 Team :


Thanks very much for your interest in our Sabre Project!

It's going to be a nice year for the Sabre, many versions and variants in the pipeline, 6-3 hard wing and CAC Sabre to arrive first shortly.

Here's a few WIP screenies to wet our appetite :






Not only changes to the model to depict the specific variants have been applied, like the enlarged air intake of the CAC Sabre and removable wing root tip of the 6-3 hardwing to make room for the open armament door/step, the base model also sports various enhancements. A.o. a better looking air intake/nose section and better texture mapping here and there.

We will also apply slight changes to the flightmodel to replicate the flight characteristics of the variants.

On top of that you're welcome to visit our brand new website very shortly, professionally created by Richard Plourde ( Taz ). :mixedsmi:

On behalf of the SectionF8 Team,
Best Wishes for 2009 !
Jan :wavey:

I'm looking for these repaints
Can someone help me?
Z, I don't think these are out yet, they're a foretaste of what's coming when the texture pack and mods are released. I have the bird in the hangar and consider it to be among the finest, if not the finest, FS9 aircraft I've flown - Nazca Steve's Canberras are right up there with it, though. Does increase the anticipation, doesn't it?:jump:
Also try going to the usual sites - in particular FlightSim - and just do a search under "Section F8" or "F-86," or some other designator - a lot will come up. Garry Smith's site is, as has been said, a must-visit for paints for this bird as well. I've got maybe 20 or 25 in the hangar, quite of few of them Canadair birds. You can use the plain metal paint kit for a personal bird. When I was a young whipper-snapper in the AF we got one of these from some park where kids had been crawling all over it. It came to Luke AFB, AZ where we on the flight line put a new canopy and windscreen on it, ironed out the dents and bought all the "Mother's" from every auto parts store in Phoenix and Glendale and, using elbow grease and buffing wheels, put that stuff to work on the skin. Ended up shining like a new half-dollar before the markings went on it. It became a gate guard shortly before I was discharged. I've heard it described as a "sports car" of an airplane and, if the handling in the sim is anything like it was in real life, this thing will claim your heart and soul from the first flight.

Nice paint Zsolt, but the fuselage roundel is wrong; it needs to be the post war 'D-Type'.

I was going to do a few RAF repaints, but most of the RAF Sabres were the hard-wing/wing fence models, so would have been wrong on the SectionF8 model. There was always talk of other models to come (and the photos on their site support this) but not seen anything for a while; does anybody know the status of this project?