Facinating reading, Paul. Thanks very much for taking the time and effort to document the building of the Swallow.It makes me wonder if an FS2004 aircraft can be built using other 3D modeling programs such as Blender, Anim8or, Metasequoia, etc.
The main texture, G-ADPS, has a two-blade all-black propeller, while all other have a two-blade black propeller with yellow tips.
Attached is a zip with both prop washes, the all black propwash goes in the main texture folder, the one with yellow tips goes in all the others.
Please amend your aircraft.cfg for all textures under the UI_variation=?? as follows
Thanks for posting the links,Decapod. Very impressive and difficult task-making. I've had some "non-flightsim" friends by and we viewed the pages together, they were blown away to see how complex the art of sculpting kinetic plasma could be. (There is no solid aircraft in there, only an intricate and time consuming assembly of zeros and ones....)decapod
Should anyone be interested in using 3D canvas for FS9 or FSX, here's how we did it.
You know, reading that...I'm reminded of other how-to descriptions.Should anyone be interested in using 3D canvas for FS9 or FSX, here's how we did it...
The Pobjoy Cataract and Niagara were used in many pre WW2 British aircraft
several off which are modeled for FS9 - The Swallow , Ted Cooks wonderful Comper Swift and Fleet Shadower , Dave Moly's Short Scion, Jens Mono-spar
all used the Pobjoy.....if you have ever heard one run you would forget it in a
hurry (We are still trying to get one of the Swallow owners let us record it.)
They were (and still are) little jewels of engineering....when they run they sound like a sewing machine. As you can see with the Swallow the gearing allowed it to utilise a large diameter prop, but in the case of the Swift it made the aircraft faster for racing. Like the 180 Hp Bombardier (NOT anything to do with Canada) in the Auster AOP9 we are hoping to provide a true sound set of this rare engine.
OK without Goggling yourselves stupid can anyone tell me ONE US aircraft that utilised the Pobjoy???
Anyone remember which WWII British bomber prototype had Pobjoy engines?
This one......the Shorts Stirling.
This half scale prototype was designated the S.31 and first flew in September 1938.
Best wishes,
I think the main texture for APDS has yellow tips, EI-AFF has a black prop in the texture.1 folder, the rest have yellow tips.