Seeadler Ju290 & Ju88A-6/A-17 uploaded

Sorry,i have them too. Will pay closer attention in the future.i share with Google Drive mostly. Let me know what else you may need,probably have what you are looking for. Sincerely ,Scott
TK_JU88A-6_PNMT/JU88A-17_1HFL GL_Ju290A_5_9 / GL_JU290A_7_9

The 4 aircraft, TK_JU88A-6_PNMT, TK_JU88A-17_1HFL, GL_Ju290A_5_9VBH, and GL_JU290A_7_9VGK were originally upload to BeauBrummie's website(s), all of which are gone (the wayback machine does not keep downloadable folders) So due to public demand, and with NachtPiloten's permission, I have uploaded all 4 here. They should be up shortly.

NOTE! has the extras folders that the TK_JU88A-17_1HFL needs.

The has the extras folders that the GL_JU290A_7_9VGK needs.

We already have the Ju290s in the ETO Expansion! That also is where the BMW_801_x4 sounds can be found. Pay attention to your sound.cfg file routing!!



A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 German Aircraft

Description: This aircraft, TK_JU88A-17_1HFL was by NachtPiloten and, to quote him:-

"This plane would not have been possible without the following people:

Mathias Pommerien who has served a mentor and guide
Greg Pierson who has a great talent in developing flightmodels and damage profiles
Philippe Gensou - Who did this great skin
And of course my better half as she tolerates my indulgence."


NOTE: You must have installed the TK_JU88A-6_PNMT first!

Place the TK_JU88A-17_1HFL folder in your aircraft folder.
Make sure that you have alreadt installed from the TK_JU88A-6_PNMT download, the tk_shared folder into your aircraft/shared, or tk_shared folder, if you have one.
Make sure that you have alreadt installed the Pylons folder from the TK_JU88A-6_PNMT download (Paste the pylons folder into your install. You may choose not to overwrite any similar existing files; either way is OK.)

If you don't already have these, make sure you have them from the TK_JU88A-6_PNMT download, (place the Jumo_211f_x2 folder in your aircraft/shared folder, or better make a sounds folder there and place the Jumo_211f_x2 folder into that. Make sure the sound.cfg is directed to that place, i.e. alias=aircraft\shared\Jumo_211f_x2\sound or alias=aircraft\shared\sounds\Jumo_211f_x2\sound. This is important as a miss match may cause CTD or other issues!)

Any issues, please PM me here


To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit TK_JU88A-17_1HFL
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 German Aircraft

Description: Credits and Install

The 4 aircraft, TK_JU88A-6_PNMT, TK_JU88A-17_1HFL, GL_Ju290A_5_9VBH, and GL_JU290A_7_9VGK were originally upload to BeauBrummie's website(s), all of which are gone (the wayback machine does not keep downloadable folders) So due to public demand, and with NachtPiloten's permission, I am uploading all 4 here.

This GL_Ju290A_5_9VBH download includes the tk_shared and weapons folders, and ETO1.2 Era3 Whatif Missions for A_5 and A_7, which are also needed for the GL_JU290A_7_9VGK.

Please note that the CFS3 ETO Expansion also has Ju290s, ETO_Ju290A5_5_44 and ETO_JU290A7_5_44, which also use the BMW_801_x4 sounds. Their sound.cfg states


**Make sure the sounds.cfg is labeled to find the BMW_801_x4 sounds as abve If your BMW_801_x4 sounds are elsewherer, you must adjust the sounds.cfg.line**

This means that you can find the engine sounds under DR_Engine_Sounds. If not search elsewhere and adjust your sound.cfg. If you don't have the sounds, PM me!

Revised by mongoose 125/13/2022

Original Readme for Ju 290s

This plane would not have been possible without the following people:

Mathias Pommerien who has served a mentor and guide
John Whelan for making the skin
And of course my better half as she tolerates my indulgence.

A special thanks to Greg Law who developed this model and was trusting enough to let me complete it.

This plane uses a set of sounds based off of LawDawgs great BMW 801D sounds. It is a very large file, but when in
the cockpit it is great to here those four engines!

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GL_Ju290A_5_9VBH
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 German Aircraft

Description: Credits and Install

The 4 aircraft, TK_JU88A-6_PNMT, TK_JU88A-17_1HFL, GL_Ju290A_5_9VBH, and GL_JU290A_7_9VGK were originally upload to BeauBrummie's website(s), all of which are gone (the wayback machine does not keep downloadable folders) So due to public demand, and with NachtPiloten's permission, I am uploading all 4 here.

For tk_shared and weapons folders, and ETO1.2 Era3 Whatif Missions for A_5 and A_7, see GL_Ju290A_5_9VBH

Please note that the CFS3 ETO Expansion also has Ju290s, ETO_Ju290A5_5_44 and ETO_JU290A7_5_44, which also use the BMW_801_x4 sounds. Their sound.cfg states


**Make sure the sounds.cfg is labeled to find the BMW_801_x4 sounds as above If your BMW_801_x4 sounds are elsewhere, you must adjust the sounds.cfg.line**

This means that you can find the engine sounds under DR_Engine_Sounds. If not search ealsewhere and adjust your sound.cfg. If you don't have the sounds, PM me!

Revised by mongoose 125/13/2022

Original Readme for Ju 290

This plane would not have been possible without the following people:

Mathias Pommerien who has served a mentor and guide
John Whelan for making the skin
And of course my better half as she tolerates my indulgence.

A special thanks to Greg Law who developed this model and was trusting enough to let me complete it.

This plane uses a set of sounds based off of LawDawgs great BMW 801D sounds. It is a very large file, but when in
the cockpit it is great to here those four engines!

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GL_JU290A_7_9VGK
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 German Aircraft

Description: The 4 aircraft, TK_JU88A-6_PNMT, TK_JU88A-17_1HFL, GL_Ju290A_5_9VBH, and GL_JU290A_7_9VGK were originally upload to BeauBrummie's website(s), all of which are gone (the wayback machine does not keep downloadable folders) So due to public demand, and with NachtPiloten's permission, I am uploading all 4 here.

This aircraft, TK_JU88A-6_PNMT was by NachtPiloten and, to quote him:-

"This plane would not have been possible without the following people:

Mathias Pommerien who has served a mentor and guide
Greg Pierson who has a great talent in developing flightmodels and damage profiles
Philippe Gensou - Who did this great skin
And of course my better half as she tolerates my indulgence."

Place the TK_JU88A-6_PNMT folder in your aircraft folder.
Place the tk_shared folder into your aircraft/shared, or tk_shared folder, if you have one.
Paste the pylons folder into your install. You may choose not to overwrite any similar existing files; either way is OK.

If you don't already have these, place the Jumo_211f_x2 folder in your aircraft/shared folder, or better make a sounds folder there and place the Jumo_211f_x2 folder into that. Make sure the sound.cfg is directed to that place, i.e. alias=aircraft\shared\Jumo_211f_x2\sound or alias=aircraft\shared\sounds\Jumo_211f_x2\sound. This is important as a miss match may cause CTD or other issues!

Any issues, please PM me here


To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit TK_JU88A-6_PNMT
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.