Ryan, he missed those powerlines...HOW?
Ryan, he missed those powerlines...HOW?Nice images, btw.
I've not played a MSFS since FSX (and this was before all the crazy stuff came out for it). Don't get me wrong, I like flight sims (hence why we're all here!), but I've waited on this one as it seemed it was quite resource intensive (FSX... FS9... etc. lol Pattern?) and to let the ecosystem mature.
I like twin-engine GA planes (turbo-twins and non-turbo twins), warbirds, and corporate jets. Is there a good selection of high-quality free/payware out there for those categories? I've seen the milviz 310R, which looks right up my alley.
What kind of "expansion" have people come up with? I remember there used to be some program that let you simulate flying your own airline and graded your flights and maintenance. If you pitched past 30 degrees, it upset the "occupants", etc. Was a great way to roleplay rather than strictly use the sim as a "sight seeing" sim.
How has performance come around? I have an 8700k, 32GB RAM, and a 6800XT. Play at 1440p. Any must-have/see sceneries out there? How is the weather simulation?
Basically, I'm trying to convince myself to get this - maybe wait for a sale if that happens. Is the Premium Deluxe really worth it? Are helos in the near future?
Give me your favorite stories of what makes you love this sim, and what you're stoked to see in the future!
Hi, I'm a current private pilot and ATCer in the real world. I've used Microsoft sims since FS5.0 - I've also heavily used X plane 10 and 11 (and own 12 but it has some ways to go yet).
I use MSFS often - it's almost the only sim I fly. With XP12 released I have been tinkering in that and doing some beta work. I also once in a blue moon fly DCS - F16 and AH64.
There are a few quirks and annoyances still with MSFS. Ground handling is still not good. The moment you touch down it still feels like paper airplanes....especially in a crosswind. I feel like one has to be on the rudder pedals so much in MSFS that for me it would almost compare to real world tail dragger ops. It's literally a dance even with a small crosswind like 10 knots in almost every addon I own (and yes that is a lot haha - I'm all in when it comes to MSFS). There are a few addons like the highly regarded SWS Kodiak that seem to handle it fine. You should buy this one lol.
Weather - generally speaking, pretty good. Has gotten a LOT better in recent months. Especially when they started implementing METARs. Before this you'd get a cloud "layer" that doesn't at all represent the real world. Or just in general the weather was way off from real world. It's closer now. Clouds look decent from medium ranges -up close can be a little detail lacking but it's fine.
ATC - frankly the AI and ATC is step back from FSX/P3D. I never use in-sim ATC because I work ATC and I can't stand how terrible it is. (It wasn't great in FSX but I believe it was better than this). Just recently a freeware pack for basic AI was released and it's decent:
Addon aircraft - yes there are quite a few but there is a WIDE range of quality hehe. Highest end would be Fenix A320, PMDG 737's, Milviz C310, Flysimware C414, SWS Kodiak and RV14, (freeware FBW A320). Carenado is in the middle again - their Mooney and Seneca are okay - fun for exploring....pretty much like FSX standards but visually nicer. Just Flight Arrows maybe more on the high end. Tons of aircraft on this list. Typically the higher on the list the better:
Plenty of freeware aircraft, and scenery and other misc addons here: (it'll be your go-to site once you buy MSFS)
Yeah as I said I'm all in - I love supporting the developers and have spent a lot of my hard earned income so far on addons. You don't have to spend money on anything if you don't want to. I'd recommend the Premium Deluxe which will contain a few extra aircraft but also the Citation Longitude which will be getting a freeware mod shortly to make it quite detailed.
Get all the Working Title stuff too (google that)
Just wanted to add 5 of my very favorite screenshots (all mine)
xpqtthl0skb91 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
Untitled-24 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
(The TDS GTN 750 Xi which I highly recommend in the FSW C414)
Untitled-18 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
Untitled-12 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
Untitled-15 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
Screenshots aren't built into the sim like the were in FSX, so either the Xbox Game Bar screen shooter or any other of your choice will work.
The HUD options are under Options > Assistance Options > User Experience - there's a toggle for both interior and exterior.
... is hold the Windows key (between Ctrl and Alt) and then hit Print Screen
So how do I do screenshots
That is good to know Cazzie.
I've always did a screenshot by hitting PrtScrn and then opening up Microsoft Paint and saving it to my Saved Pictures folders. Too bad that MSFS does not have the good ol' "V" key that like FSX and P3D had to do that for us.
Now things will be a lot simpler for me, I'll just add the Windows key to PrtScrn.
I'm aware of the Win+PS combo, but unless you have a 20 year old keyboard, that requires two hands. I have a single-hand key combo programmed into the Game Bar so that I don't have to take my hand off the stick to grab a shot.
Caz, who used to use paid FRAPS too, but that program has long outlived its time and I just consider it bloatware and yet another program open while your sim is running.