Serious Italian 1940 Metal

There is a new release on FlightSim.Com described as:

CRDA CANT Z.1007bis Alcione, 

I have downloaded it but not yet had time to look at it in great detail or fly it.

Hey, that's great! The more the merrier. Nothing wrong with choices. I'll give it a look. :jump:
Hey, that's great! The more the merrier. Nothing wrong with choices. I'll give it a look. :jump:

No need to go that far - it was uploaded here at the Outhouse first... :salute:

An F.Giuli model, but somehow, I don't quite know how to say this, a bit unfinished.
It needs some serious corrections on the alpha channels and fde (it's literally impossible to fly). There are also missing textures for the canopy, could get very draughty...
I don't think this was actually intended for fs9, but overall it has some great potential!


Edit: I've sorted all the issues mentioned above, apart from the missing perspex texture.
A great flyer and ext. model, but still reminds me of cfs2.
Yes, I looked at it.

I look forward to providing an alternative. As I said, you can't have too many options, and I am enjoying doing this one.
Mvg3d mentioned that the props were not correct. He sent a proper manual on the props and it was a great help.

I have totally redone the prop blades for proper shape, length, and direction of rotation.

Thank you Mvg3d. :applause:
Spent the whole day focused on cutting in the top hatches and redoing the inner framework. Hmmph! Still not done but making progress.

Also had to redo the props as I had not noticed that the port engine turned opposite the other two.

But, making progress. :)
Spent the whole day focused on cutting in the top hatches and redoing the inner framework. Hmmph! Still not done but making progress.

Also had to redo the props as I had not noticed that the port engine turned opposite the other two.

But, making progress. :)

Hi Milton,
Remember that these hatches were ONLY for emergency exit (made for pilots escape with parachute), not for normally use. Do You think to make also animated side (right & left) sliding windows ?
I'm waiting for the Caproni-Lanciani turret !!!! :icon_lol:

Hi Milton,
Remember that these hatches were ONLY for emergency exit (made for pilots escape with parachute), not for normally use. Do You think to make also animated side (right & left) sliding windows ?
I'm waiting for the Caproni-Lanciani turret !!!! :icon_lol:


I guess my Italiano is not as good as I thought. :icon_lol: I thought they were for relief tube discharges.

Ah, yes, not worried about the turret; it is those sliding windows that have me concerned.
This weekend so far, I have the belly gunners windows split and animated to open so the MG can drop down.

I have the oil cooler vents done in the wings.

I have the bombers bay constructed and animated.

I am trying to get the landing lights and the turret in by tonight.
Well, no turret yet, but I got the landing lights, bomb racks on the wings, gear bays, and bombay enclosure done. And, swapped tires for some more appropriate for this aircraft (thanks Tacko_Kichi :)

Antennas, wind generator, engine exhaust headers are up next.
The Beast Lives!! :isadizzy: Looking good so far, Milton. :guinness: By the way, sir... thanks for returning the tires for my Grizzly! lol! ;~}

LOL Thanks guys :)

Okay, home stretch now.

Manuele laughed about having to do the turret. Rightly so I guess. Interesting piece of hardware there.

Pitot and engine exhaust headers done too but not yet happy with the exhausts shape just yet.

EDIT: Okay, I have the turret animations the way I want them.
Thanks HC91 ... well, I think I have to get some belly guns in the rear and animate them with the windows opening now and hopefully I can then work on the flight model.
Oh, I forgot the sliding windows. :kilroy:

Well, I kind of burned out on modeling the details today so I started on the flight model. After 7 hours, we have a sweet flying medium bomber. Feels heavy when full but she climbs out and flies to the numbers. Nice hand flyer so far. Still some minor tweaks but I am enjoying flying her now. :)

I should have my part of this collaborative project done this week and will package it up for you.
Included will be the Gmax source of the exterior model including a basic interior shell for all parts, a few textures, the flight model and some basic docs. I look forward to your contributions on this one. :jump:
I should have my part of this collaborative project done this week and will package it up for you.
Included will be the Gmax source of the exterior model including a basic interior shell for all parts, a few textures, the flight model and some basic docs. I look forward to your contributions on this one. :jump:

Hi Milton,
OK, I'm working on the VC gauges.......
An answer for You: have You added also animated pilots ?

Hi Milton,
OK, I'm working on the VC gauges.......
An answer for You: have You added also animated pilots ?



I do not own a copyright to any good animated gmax pilots. If you have an appropriate Italian-clad pilot, I would be happy to animate it for you. The really nice ones I have used with permissions belong to Jan Visser (JAVIS). He really brings these pilots to life. :applause:

Meanwhile I hope to get the sliding windows and belly machine guns done today.

I'll look around to see if there is anything I can do regarding a pilot/copilot.