Shaking Air Tractor

The bouncing is as I mentioned earlier likely linked to the contact points and the calculation of the dampening in the main struts. The fact that you have it and others don't is also not unusual. It is likely some add-on scenery that changed how FS reacts to the ground surfaces.We had similar issues with the Connies, Carenado had issues with the C-185 but not for everyone. Only some people experience the issue. In all cases making the gear a bit "softer" cures the problem.Stefan
I just tested at Default KGSO and got a little tailwheel bounce too. I'll have to take a look at the contact points in a bit, but for now the outside world beckons...
thanks to everyone

Thanks to everyone for the advice. I'am not gonna worry about the bounce,just live with it.
trying OBIO cure

I'am trying obio's fix for the flu right now, feel a little better today but it's gonna take time,I've been really sick for a week.
I dunno about the MOI calculator but I'm game to try it out. Meanwhile it has been my observation that most, certainly all I've worked on, of the ground shimmies can be fixed with some tedious manipulations of the contact points. And I do mean tedious, have a couple of beers and some pizza by your side and beg your loved ones to indulge you in some alone time tedious. I'll see if I have these planes and if they jitter for me.
aeromed ,please don't worry about it

I really thankyou for what you want to do ,but to me it's not worth it. So please forget about any tedious manipulations, I need to keep things as simple as possible ,and I can manage the bounceing so please don't do any more unless you want to for yourself.Thanks again
It is often tedious but sometimes it's not. Maybe I overdid it a bit with the violins. It's more the tedium that you know will produce a worth while result. Anyway, when I checked it turns out I had already started on this so all I had to do was finish it off. Only a half pint job :icon29: There are some other areas that I think could use some help but the contact points below seem to fix the jiggles. Try them out.

point.0=1, -21.74, 0.00, -2.57, 2574.8, 0, 0.70, 50, 0.44, 2.5, 0.60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
point.1=1, 2.80, -5.50, -6.98, 1574.8, 1, 1.35, 0, 0.46, 2.5, 0.70, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
point.2=1, 2.80, 5.50, -6.98, 1574.8, 2, 1.35, 0, 0.46, 2.5, 0.70, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
point.3=2, -1.3997, -27.9067, -0.9088, 1574.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0
point.4=2, -1.4242, 27.9067, -0.9088, 1574.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0
point.5=2, -23.0382, 0, 0.6571, 1574.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0
point.6=2, 12.7791, 0, -2.5969, 1574.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0
Thanks Aeromed

Thankyou for the new contact points, I printed them out for future reference,since right now I really don't feel like typeing out all those figures though thanks to OBIO I do feel better. But I'll keep them for the day when I fell really ambitious.Thanks again
OBIO you missed your calling

You should be in the medical field, cause your treatment worked wonders. I feel so much better ,didn't think I'd ever shake this thing ,and I have a way to go before I'am totally over it but I feel so much better since I tried your treatment. Thanks so much
Nah, just copy and paste the whole section right over the old one in the cfg and save when prompted. But make a copy of the original just in case.
I don't know how

I tried copying and pasting but it wanted to put the new contact points at the top of the config file and leave the old ones in place, so as far as I'am concerned it's getting to much for me so lets just forget the whole thing. I do thank you for your hard work, everyone here who has taken this project seriously has gone above and beyond. But I can really live with the bounce. Thanks again.
No, It's my bad, I forget what it was like back when I first started messing with FS guts. I'll shoot you a PM to get this sorted out so we can get this plane flying the way it should be. It's easier than you think. Besides, what you pick up on will be usable for other aircraft as well. Hang in there!
hi Hurricane. I liked that flue cure. I accidently found out that one beer on top of a Contact C won't cure you, but you won't care that you have the flu!
I had to get our lovely and efficiant office manager to dig my 2002 disc out of my desk and send it up with- syncronicity!- some PT-6 stuff comming on the bus. Loaded it up last night and took the -802 for a burn around the patch- and it was fine, But- as noted, different computers and install states give different results. I just popped OBIOs modified contact points into the wheel version configuuration files and zipped 'em up- back up the originals, drop 'em in and have a go- I left the Shockwave lights out for now,as I did not have the panel near at hand- unloaded it all again- 400Gb hd in the laptop and its maxxed out all the time....Don't worry about the fussing- its our hobby.
The MOI's look about right for the model-so thats not it. Hey; I love a mystery!
Get well soon. Lazarus
OK Aeromed I hope your happy now

Well, I decided to listen to you ,(why I don't know) and followed your instructions to the letter and , darned if it didn't work. The wheeled version only bounces when you give it the most revs on the ground before it overides the brakes when your doing the ground check ,but thats to be expected.
It taxi;s smooth with out bounceing and sits all day at idle with out any bounce. So even though I didn't want to mess with it any more you wouldn't leave me alone till I learned how to replace whole sections of config files , and it runs smooth as silk on the ground, (always did in the air).
The float version, even though I never touched the config file ,even runs better on the ground, same as the wheeled version ,so ( now listen to me) THERE IS NO NEED TO DO ANYTHING WITH THE FLOAT VERSION !)Seriously ,thankyou Aermed for not only not giving up on me but teaching me how to do large edits in config files and giving me a nice ground handling plane, that was very hard to taxi before, can't figure why the float version is even better. But Thankyou for being so persistant.
Thanks lazarus

Thanks Lazarus but do to Aeromeds stubborness (he wouldn't leave well enough alone) I got the Air tractor fixed so won't need OBIO's fix, Although between his flu cure and yours , I think I like yours better even when I don't have the flu.
Lasarus I kept them just in case

I downloaded OBIO's fix and saved it that you provided just in case I need it someday. Thankyou
Good news. In truth, despite my somewhat disparaging comments about the AT-802-and that mostly relates to the early days of the type, when there were a number of teething problems, Automotive and truck electrical and plumbing bits in it to hold down cost, and AT502 manuals ect ect- empty, its a hoot, if a bit of a hand full landing and take off wise- but hey, its a huge tail dragger, with a lot of torque under the hood.
Leyland Snow was quite a character- as are his airplanes.
Ta! lazarus
me too

I'am glad it did too,thanks to you. As much as I vow never to get back into flightsims when I finally get rid of this ten year old beast and how much more stress than anything sims cause me, I know I'll always have a few sims on board , just to meet caracters like you. Flight simmers are next to our military the best people I've ever had the honor to meet. Thanks again