Ship wake

Where can I find the texture direct menu? (I also run rex essential+ overdrive)

Rex Texture Direct or Rex 4 is a stand alone program Jens! Whatever textures you do end up using for water, you would want to

use water textures that do not have a wave pattern.​ Different from wave animation, textures with wave patterns could be causing your wake flickering!
Thanks! Do i need an addon wave fx or is there any setting I can change?

Out of town so slow reply!

In in the case of Nimitz V2 I believe all of the wake effects are included! Some wake effects could be hard coded into the model .mdl itself. I'm not quite sure about about setting changes.

Rex TD (Texture Direct or sometimes called Rex 4) has water some water textures without wave patterns and some with. Wave patterns in the textures may be the cause of your erratic wakes.

Sorry couldn't be more help!!!

I have got Rex 4 and have followed all the settings posted above. The problem is still exactly the same..
Finally! I found a work around to make both 3d waves and 2d ship wakes work in P3D. I changed the "y" offset value in the fx file to 0.6 and that makes the wakes appear slightly above the 3d waves. This is not even visible when flying.

This has been mentioned before, but I did not quite figure out what values to change.
My USS Enterprise had the vertical wake. I'll try your technique and see if that fixes it as well.


I think the vertical fx was fixed with 2.5 or one of its associated hotfixes.

Some more research into the problem. It looks like many carrier models have hard coded wake fx files which is not controlled by the cfg file. With making hms victorious ready for p3d this has caused a lot of problems, in the end the only fix I got working was to remove the fx_wake_carrier.fx file alltogether. Even when i enter a new fx in the cfg file it shows at the original water level (and not the heightened level as per the "fix"), even if the fx has been changed. Looks lik the fx level is decided by the model and not the fx file itself.

Hopefully v3 will make ship ops easier 😀