Sim Skunk Works FRF-104 released

SIM SKUNK WORKS version 1.1 has been uploaded to vendors:
- Just Flight
- Aerosoft
- Orbx

soon will be available
Also version 1.0 on SimMarket has been updated to 1.1
- Fixed a bug that prevented user to customize TAIL NUMBER
- Updated ZipperHints.pdf
- Turkish roundel added to kneeboard
- Painters that want add liveries should read the frf104g_hints.pdf at page 16
SIM SKUNK WORKS version 1.1 has been uploaded to vendors:
- Just Flight
- Aerosoft
- Orbx

soon will be available
Also version 1.0 on SimMarket has been updated to 1.1
- Fixed a bug that prevented user to customize TAIL NUMBER
- Updated ZipperHints.pdf
- Turkish roundel added to kneeboard
- Painters that want add liveries should read the frf104g_hints.pdf at page 16

Hello SSW1, I don't understand your advice given to painters.
I downloaded and installed via the SimMarket application the V1.1 update but I do not see anything concerning the repaints, nor any mention of "Barcodes" on page 16 of the "frf104g_hints.pdf" file.
What should be taken into account for repaints.


Hello SSW1, I don't understand your advice given to painters.
I downloaded and installed via the SimMarket application the V1.1 update but I do not see anything concerning the repaints, nor any mention of "Barcodes" on page 16 of the "frf104g_hints.pdf" file.
What should be taken into account for repaints.

I agree. I could not find anything either, and I am interested in doing a few paints
I agree. I could not find anything either, and I am interested in doing a few paints

It's really weird, below a reading of page 16 of frfg_hints.pdf version 1.1
Sure to have the latest vertsion, it's written on page 1:
Updated version 1.1 April 10, 2022

I have discovered that for some reason SimMarket is not distributing latest version 1.1, what is downloadable right now is version 1.0, this explain the weirdness..
Already advised SimMarket to correct the issue.
Correct version can be checked opening with a plain editor the file manifest.json in aircraft root directory, it should show:

"package_version": "1.1.0",   
"minimum_game_version": "1.24.5",

apologize for inconvenience

[FONT=courier new]14. BARCODES
To be able to effectively differentiate between the various airframes:
Consortium, Map, fighter bomber, interceptor, recce, type of seat: C2 or Q7 and the various nationalities we use a kind of 
barcode that uniquely identifies each individual feature.
Barcodes are stored in two places:
- one using the ATC ID parameter in the aircraft.cfg file (aka TAIL NUMBER in sim CUSTOMIZATION)
- the other in the \simskunkworks-aircraft-frf104g\Data\config\barcodes.ini file
In this way it is ensured the correct reading of the barcode even if the user wants to customize his TAIL NUMBER
Above is transparent to the user unless he wants add some liveries to his model, in this case he should know the format of barcodes.
BARCODE format in the aircraft.cfg file
Barcode is made of alphanumerics, it is used to identify each single airplane version each one
 identifies one airplane characteristic:
and manage their differences.
It's made of 8 alphanumeric, (presently only 4 are used), each one identifies an airplane characteristic:
0) aircraft frame: F (F-104G MAP), G (F-104G CONS), H (RF-104G MAP), J (RF-104G CONS)
1) nations: I(talian),G(erman),N(orvegian),U(saf), B (Belgium), H (Nederland), D (Denmark), R (Greece),T (Turkey)
2) role: F(ighter) B(omber) (R) Recce
3) seat: C (C2), Q (Q7 martin Baker)
Title="SSW FRF104-G 9998 - C2 seat"
BARCODE in /Data/Barcodes.ini file
Is made of up to 64 section like this:
TITLE: "SSW FRF104-G 9998 - C2 seat";
If a user wants add a new livery he should edit both files adding a new [FLTSIM.n] in aircraft.cfg and a new [BARCODE.n] section in barcodes.ini, the barcode should reflect the airframe characteristics he wish. [/FONT]
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now situation at SimMarket seems to be restored, hopefully you can download version 1.1.1
Apologize for inconvenience even if out of our control.
ah, I see, but this info was already present in the original aircraft.cfg file.

Is there a separate paintkit as well?
Depending on where your community folder resides, here: \Microsoft Flight Simulator\Community\simskunkworks-aircraft-frf104g\Docs\

Wow Jankees, that Belgian Zipper is really nice! And one of the planes of the 31st Sqn no less!!
