Sleepytime Gal Back on track

Hey Duckie, could you post a link for that paint? I have the hardest time navigating the download section here. I searched under your old username because I didn't see your current one listed. I did download a couple of your other paints that did show up though.
Hey Duckie, could you post a link for that paint? I have the hardest time navigating the download section here. I searched under your old username because I didn't see your current one listed. I did download a couple of your other paints that did show up though.

Hey T-23 - It's not been posted to the download section yet. Sometimes when it gets busy in the upload department, like it seems to have been recently, it can take a day or so for the librarians to knock down the que.

Bonjour Duckie,

Just downloaded your "GAL" ans she is a beauty... :applause:
... as usual (I might add...)... :kilroy:

Thanks also to Jankees for his last two skins posted in FSX... :applause:
... forgot to post thanks for them, then ... :kilroy:

Between the two of you presently, this plane keeps getting bigger and better all the time.

Keep posting these gorgeous skins and we'll keep them flying... :icon29:


Hey T-23 - It's not been posted to the download section yet. Sometimes when it gets busy in the upload department, like it seems to have been recently, it can take a day or so for the librarians to knock down the que.


Thanks Duckie. I just downloaded it.
I just wish they'd update the plane with the small add-ons they talked about including seat belts, wheel chocks, modern pilot and cockpit models.