smilo's Rim Shot


Staff member
running per usual.
spent the morning installing gauges,
Nav practicing and just plain getting set up.
currently pre-flighting the Strat.

guess I'll learn how to use that wind drift gauge on the fly.
looks like I can't put this off any longer;

rolling, 23/04/2010 19:55


B-47E Strato Jet
Happy Motoring smilo!!

You're gonna like that drift gauge.

Best of luck during the event!

I pulled off the first leg
(eck, that doesn't sound so good)

night landing 05:30:19

fuel consumption=70,713.09 pounds
(don't think we'll be winning any economy contest)
do you ever find that you just spend
too darn much time thinking about it?
let's just call it extreme planning.
enough, already!

24/04/10 19:55

wifie had a prob with the dogs
had to leave for a few

powering up for the second time
when wifie brings grand daughter
in for a little chat.
no way am I missing that!

finally airborne at 20:05
there abouts..Duenna will tell
second night run completed;


fuel consumption=32,802 pounds

30 minute bonus for Changi, Singapore

plus the 30 for Jakarta, Indonesia
that I forgot yesterday,

flight time=01:38:50

fuel consumption=47782.6 pounds

30 minute bonus for Danang, Vietnam
just to make things more interesting,
I have decided to continue using Duenna sync time and + date
sooo, once again,
I'll be flying from Danang to Hong Kong in the dark.
to top it off, I just noticed that VHHX is not lighted.
DANG!!! I hope I don't regret this.

25/04/2010 16:27

WTF!!! crashed on take-off
trying again 16:35
Well you probably wont be able to miss hong Kong! :)
From the sea IIRC the approach is OK, from land it is, of course, notorious(or was!)
Good luck!
Well you probably wont be able to miss hong Kong! :)
From the sea IIRC the approach is OK, from land it is, of course, notorious(or was!)
Good luck!

thanks for the boost.
if I only knew what IIRC was,
and how to use it,
things would be just dandy.

currently cruising 423KIAS at 23,875 feet, 88% throttle;
okay, fine...

the Men's Chorus is way off in the background, again.
angels singing?

IIRC="If I remember correctly!" :)
Sadly not a new autoland device,as I could sure use one of those when I can finally get around to starting the darn race!
that was "entertaining"!!!
stories in the Lounge to follow.

down in one piece, barely;


flight time=02:00:83
fuel consumption=57858.2 pounds

crashed on first take-off attempt
01:03 minutes into flight
I just got home from work and decided to attempt a long run before I have to go to bed.
12:35am comes around might quick.

27/04/2010 22:15
down safe and sound;


flight time=03:27:25

fuel consumption=94,881.5 lbs

30 minute bonus for Japan

got off course for a fair bit,
but muscled my way back.
no problem Cinderella

and I've still got an hour
before I've got to hit the sheets.:sleep:
Hot Ziggitiies!
preflight complete
I missed the RJTY requirement rule.
back-tracking now

going to make it a dawn flight
don't know how to set Duenna for that
so I'll just leave it be

30/04/2010 04:04
down safe and sound RJTY

flight time=01:28:58
I decided to take a short tour around Mt Fuji
will post screenies in the lounge

fuel consumption=40,844 lbs
the ground crew did a great job
getting the Strat ready
for the long flight to PAED
now it's up to us to get the job done


01/05/10 12:42