SOH forum connectivity

Ickie was for many years Mr Back Room on SOH. We have other highly able people on the admins today, but for years the buck stopped at Ickie’s desk and a thankless task it often was. The measure of the man was he always sorted it and you never heard about it publicly. Much missed.
That's server guys for ya: always working, never getting the respect for it.

But if I were you guys, I would contact and have them check the box and network connection that SOH is working on. maybe you're not getting the service you're paying for!

EDIT: apparently is called nowadays.


Further to the Tor discussion: it may make IP identification impossible, but I suggest a known user logged in and apparently browsing from London on first click, Genova on second, Brazilia on third and Windhoek fourth might not raise digital eyebrows? I’m no expert, nor do I know SOH operating procedures, but I think that might raise suspicion if security checks were set to look for such signs.

Just my tuppence ha’penny.
Correct. But how are you going to have these checks done in an automated way without overcharging the server?

My two €cents in the discussion.

Okay, I'm told another reason for problems might be the server running backups at regular times and I see no need to explain that!

Gentlemen, there are various reasons that might account for difficulties.

  1. AussieX went offline, so maybe their users are looking for a home or somewhere else of interest and SOH is busier than usual.
  2. There are various sporting events going on right now and hoovering up bandwidth: World Cup footie, Tour de France, Wimbledon, etc. Some people like 'em!
  3. The vagaries of script-based hack attacks which are impossible to predict but affect us all: if they can take down Amazon for half a day, they can also mess with us. It happens, although Ickie was really good at spotting and thwarting them. If you're logging on from one of the usual culprit parts of the world then that's unfortunate. Please don't ask what methods are used because I don't know, period.
  4. Local difficulties: Billy-Bob and William Cobblers put a shovel into that telecomms cable and they sent Eccles to fix it...

What still niggles is that the problems some are experiencing are far from universal. Members are quick to let us know when there's a problem - if they can connect at all - and there ought to be a lot more reports if we're looking at a consistent choke. So far the general vibe is very quiet.

Sorry chaps, I know no more than the above.
OK this morning 09:40 Central, I had issues connecting so switch to a Chicago VPN; same issue; switched to UK VPN, OK. Soemethign is definitely going on; where is beyond my understanding.:dizzy:
I am getting many more "unable to connect with server" messages than I used to. Also like Priller I can sometimes log on but when I try to change from the first thread I get an error. This is just about every day. However I am not complaining, just adding my experiences to the mix for information.

I could understand the need to be extremely vigilant about backing up these days.