Sometimes FS makes you go wow....

Just my own opinion here, but I think that the Tips and Tricks section should be for just that - threads that help improve the "experience." Veterans know how to find it, and if it happens to slip, newcomers will see it when a veteran bumps it back up with a new entry.

As for Milton's Tracker, it has enough activity to perpetually keep it on the front page. When the package is released, Milton will likely post a new thread which will then get stickied. I generally try to keep stickies "stuck" for one week past the last activity for freeware, and one week period for payware. It would be nice to make all "popular" threads into stickies, but then the entire front page would be nothing but stickies.
Arctic Defender

Alphasim Mig-25 sporting a new fictional winter paint job I did for it. High angle take off with after burner kicked in....going after Santa Claus making his practice runs over the Arctic Circle.


PS: I grew tired of trying to decide which gray Mig-25 to fly....all of the add on paints for the Mig-25 I have found have been gray. The only non-gray scheme is the camo pattern that comes in the stock pack...and the panel lines on that plane really messed it up. So I created a new, multi-layered paint kit at 2048 by 2048 to have nice crisp lines, and will do some new Non-Gray paints. They will all be fictional...but they won't be gray...and that is the fly the Mig-25 in something other than gray. I have also redone the stock camo paint with the improved panel lines and dirt and grime and such. Will upload the new skins when I get a nice collection of them done. Also have tweaked the lights and effects and panel to make them nicer. Will upload those tweaks along with the paints.


Feel the Air under the Wings

All these excellent Japanese shots got me going there, too!


All these screenshots of Japanese planes makes me feel happy. :applause:

That F-4, it's the Cloud9 model?
[SUP]Just completed a nice mountain flight from one Idaho Forestry Service strip to another. 45 minutes in the air, over mountains and valleys and rivers and snow and ice and a couple herds of Elk, a few Badgers, and scores of Mule Deer. Used the Maule 760 with tundra tires by Mikko Maliniemi...wonderful plane. The first 10 minutes of the flight was a real hair raiser as my take off strip was deep in the mountains...the really tall ones! I had to climb up and over them, but the Maule simply did not have the power to do a straight climb out...I had to cut back and forth through some of the side valleys, climbing and climbing, until I got up to 9,500 feet to clear the highest peaks. I thought for sure that I was going to biff the flight a number of the time my airspeed dropped to around 35 knots....I popped full flaps and did a sharp bank to the left, went into a dive down into the valley below to get my airspeed up and took a different route to gain more altitude.

Here are a couple screen shots showing the wonderful Idaho mountains as depicted by the freeware FS Genisis mesh (available on, by Justin Thyme) and Mikko's superbly modeled Maule.

[SUP]Just completed a nice mountain flight from one Idaho Forestry Service strip to another. 45 minutes in the air, over mountains and valleys and rivers and snow and ice and a couple herds of Elk, a few Badgers, and scores of Mule Deer. Used the Maule 760 with tundra tires by Mikko Maliniemi...wonderful plane. The first 10 minutes of the flight was a real hair raiser as my take off strip was deep in the mountains...the really tall ones! I had to climb up and over them, but the Maule simply did not have the power to do a straight climb out...I had to cut back and forth through some of the side valleys, climbing and climbing, until I got up to 9,500 feet to clear the highest peaks. I thought for sure that I was going to biff the flight a number of the time my airspeed dropped to around 35 knots....I popped full flaps and did a sharp bank to the left, went into a dive down into the valley below to get my airspeed up and took a different route to gain more altitude.

Here are a couple screen shots showing the wonderful Idaho mountains as depicted by the freeware FS Genisis mesh (available on, by Justin Thyme) and Mikko's superbly modeled Maule.


The Maule should be relatively easily capable to deal with the 8000-11000 altitudes. You do need to lean the mixture correctly of course. Especially if it is cool as it should be in the mountains of Idaho these days the engine should have plenty of power available.
Once you get well above 15000 FS does get a bit iffy on some airplanes if you manually control the mixture. The same airplane will climb happily at the exact auto mixture setting. I have used an external program to monitor the Fuel/Air mixture rates and have noted the differences.

Full flaps are generally a bad idea in this situation. They are designed to increase lift, yes, but the larger deflection angles are designed to add drag more than lift. The idea being that you can steepen an approach without increasing the aircraft's speed as it runs down hill.

Since we are posting some favorite shots, here are mine.
They are of Mesa Verde National Park area south of Cortez, Colorado.
I don't know how many of you all have been there, but this is fairly accurate. Though, I doubt that Gottfried Razek at Bluesky went to the detail of drawing in the ruins.

I tried flying the canyons to see the ruins, which is a real life no-no, but the ones in which the best ruins are in are much too narrow for a Cessna.

Since I am not very good at helicopter flight yet, I had to rely on the C-182.
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For flying those small canyons, head over to and grab the Quad City Challenger package by Bill Lyons. Small, easy to fly ultralight that gives the pilot great visibility (works great with TrackIR system to give unparalleled scenery gazing ability).
