Somewhere to fly your Luftwaffe aircraft from

ian elliot

Ive just uploaded a WW2 Luftwaffe airfield scenery, Westerland/Sylt, a nightfighter base on the north coast of Germany. This has been kicking around on my HD scince x-mas but im having a clear out of projects.
This scenery includes a custome made object library of Luftwaffe era buildings by myself with the hope others may have a go at using them in scenery, there is also a library of Edmundo Abad's CFS1 vehicles converted to FS9 by myself, one reason ive been sitting on this for so long is that i try'd to get permission from Edmundo, he never got back to me so im taking a risk, i hope he's ok with this.
There is a traffic file included using Groundcrew's FS9 BF-110 G4---- Planes/Ground Crew Design FS2004 Planes.php
i understand this may not be suitable on some installs but dedicated ai from this era is a bit thin on
the ground, im open to ideas as to alternative's. G4's where station'd here in the later years of the war so it works for me.
hope you like, cheers ian

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many thanks, will grab asap!!

As for AI, the Sky Unlimited Bf109f (not the Flight replicas model, the older one they did themselves, now freeware) is Multi-LOD and reasonably suitable for AI. For others, the older AH Bf109E from CFS2 is also Multi-LOD. Many planes from CFS2 are such and thus suitable for Ai to some degree, although maybe lacking suitable airfiles, etc. The Groundcrew He-111 being another.

Ian I can definitely confirm I like it! So far I only had the airfields included in the Valkyrie package by Bill Ortis (Lionheart) and the former Dutch airfields by Cess, so this is certainly a great addition!

Thanks guys, glad you like it, the 109 is by Flight Replicas, but ive got the box'd version released by Flight 1 software.
cheers ian
Thanks guys, glad you like it, the 109 is by Flight Replicas, but ive got the box'd version released by Flight 1 software.
cheers ian
Thanks for the scenery, Ian. I just got it setup an hour ago, and am ready to do some touch-and-goes.

You didn't mention which Flight Replicas package you have. Their Bf-109G series includes an AI 109 G-6.
Thanks for this lovely scenery, it looks great, especially with Wolfi's items added!

As I would like to use it in GW3 as well, I would like to ask you whether you can make a GW3 version as well.

Thanks for considering,
Hi Huub, not sure if i can, ive ditched the tools i used for making this scenery and moved on, using Sbuilder and ADE now, but i figured it should work fine in GW3, is it a problem with textures, a little more info and maybe i can figure a fix.
cheers ian

Does the AFCAD file AF2_EDX2.BGL serve any purpose? It is simply a naked runway at sea with nothing connected to it. It's also one of the same file names used in the Forggensee Waterway scenery.

Do you know how much, if any of the scenery's aprons and runways were paved? GW3 removes all but the runway paving, the rest goes to grass.

Thanks for making it, I'm having a good time with it.
Ian, when my memory is still correct (and it was a long time ago Golden Wings 3 was released!) I thought the problem is caused by the fact that in all asphalt and concrete tile textures which are used in "normal" FS9 for runways and tracks are not used in GW3. Which gives the vintage look to the GW3 airfields.

When you want to give it a try, than Cees Donker is most likely the person to speak as he did GW3 and FS9 versions from several of his airfields.

Sorry Ian. That's a bit embarrassing!

Now that my navigator is sober and off the Schnapps, perhaps we can get to the right airfield for a few touch and goes. Love the Me 110 Nachtjaeger AI and Wolfi's converted CFS 2 objects.