Sorry guy's .....

I support O.F.F. , I support R.O.F. , I will support anybody who trys to bring me more WW1 flying goodness , I have plenty of room on my hard drive :)


I agree, am totally in favor of more quality WWI sims, just throwing my remarks into the pot.
a mission builder's dream

i can hardly contain myself. 90 % of my missions are 500 feet or less so this will suite the boy's of 60 to a ''t''.
were ''EYE CANDY'' junkie's
hi Pd, can you repeat that in plain englese so we all might understand?...
Here's the breakdown arjdsm,

by flying low we get to see all of the eye blade's of grass if you may.
thus,the sim is a natural for us as this is where we spend most of our time;low and slow.
the boy's of 60 are online co-op flyer's only and never fly campaign mode but opt out for the missions i put together for them.
each to his own as there is joy for all in the flight sim world.
oouh thank u wery much pd, i got it now and i guess i've been mistaken in some way so forgive my puppets ways cos my eyesight s not as good as they used to be so ill see u and ur boys as soon as u line up in my gunsights
[FONT=&quot]I have watched this sim a bit too, most of what I have seen looks very interesting. As far as all those heavy duty graphics go, I say bring em on. I also read that they were going to use originally the IL2 engine, but are now developing their own. One thing I can say about a more up to date engine will hopefully utilize things like hyper threading for us multi core people, and take full advantage of SLI and Xfire.

As beautiful as OFF is, it is still constructed over CFS3 and the limitations of that old software are painfully evident at times. It really blows me away what these guys have managed to do with it. Talk about making a silk purse out of a sows ear.

The downside of what I see with ROF is the lack of planes. From what I have read there will be only a few. I guess they want to nickel and dime us for future content, also I doubt they will have half the detail and history that they give us here with OFF. For me as I have heard others say, the campaigns are what I mostly enjoy.

But the more WWI the better either way.[/FONT]
Bullet, you know the real thing, I assume - mine were exercising granades. I'll never forget the sound they did, when they passed us very closely, short before impact. I was on a 14 meter wooden watchtower, and it sounded, as if some giant had thrown complete washing machines through the air - a vibrating, "spiraling hiss and hum" sort of sound.
Down again, the officer told me, that only 3 weeks ago, a granade had come too short and slamed into an Unimog army van (luckily no one in there).
My knees began to feel rather wobbly - now he told me! (Lol!)

PS: but we shouldn't go on talking army here, I suppose...

I just mentioned in passing to my 10 yr old son, that my friend Olham was in the German Army

He breathed a huge sigh, and said "Well, I hope he has warmed up now from being in Russia"

Hmmm...... Only about 65 yrs ago! :ernae:....... (Children don't fully appreciate the context of time do they?)
I just mentioned in passing to my 10 yr old son, that my friend Olham was in the German Army

He breathed a huge sigh, and said "Well, I hope he has warmed up now from being in Russia"

Hmmm...... Only about 65 yrs ago! :ernae:....... (Children don't fully appreciate the context of time do they?)

Thanks, Coke on the monitor, keyboard, anywhere.......:applause::friday: