Well, now that I've flown it, I have some mixed feelings. Despite only having one pilot showing in both interior and exterior (my selected male avatar), the ATC interaction is in a female voice. The artificial horizon shows me in a pretty severe nose down attitude while in straight and level flight, and can't be adjusted. Then when still on AP with Approach mode selected, I throttled back to get my airspeed into safe flaps range and the plane just decided to forget about the assigned altitude and started to drop from the sky.
Visually, she's a beauty. I think the dev must have flown Milton's version, since there are a couple of magazines in the back seat, a newspaper clipping about the plane on the floor, along with a pack of "20 Cancer Sticks" with the brand "Cameltoe" on the box. Oh, and while there may not be any cup holders, at least the ashtray opens.
I may leave her hangared for a bit until more updates are issued, but she's not bad for a fun flight. The thing I love most is the fact that this is a vintage plane with updated avionics to operate in modern airspace. I really wish more dev's would think this way with vintage airframes.
Edit: I thought the ground steering was wonky, and I was right. Full deflection puts the tail wheel at 90°, which doesn't work. If you open the flight_model.cfg file and edit the point.2 line under contact points as below, you'll have a much better time trying to taxi around. The change is highlighted.
point.2 = 1,-13.242966,0,-1.279077,1800,0,0.43,70,0.1,1.9,0.8,0,0,0,155,155,1
Note - this is for positive steering input. If you want a true castering tailwheel, I believe setting the angle to 180 still works like in previous sims.