Been waiting with baited breath for this one... but alas :dejection:, I hope they release it on a different vendor. I do not like simmarket's additional application. Looking at the price, that's extremely attractive, but does it detract from the overall build quality? I'll watch a few evaluators first. I'm hoping this one is as great as it looks. I'd rather buy in MP than SM. Any "first responders"..?
Definite must for me! My only quibble, judging only by the preview video, is the heat effect that seems to be a bit overdone - but I'll live with that to have this beauty!
Been waiting with baited breath for this one... but alas :dejection:, I hope they release it on a different vendor. I do not like simmarket's additional application. Looking at the price, that's extremely attractive, but does it detract from the overall build quality? I'll watch a few evaluators first. I'm hoping this one is as great as it looks. I'd rather buy in MP than SM. Any "first responders"..?
I also would be interested in what is involved with having to download an "App" to be able to install something you have already bought and downloaded.
It shouldn't be any more complicated than buying it and then putting it into your community file.
Hopefully someone will let us know how the installation went.
It does look like a great plane, the sounds in the trailer film sound great. It does seem to have a more simple panel compared to what I remember of the Milton Shupe model which was one of my favorites from the earlier versions of MSFS..
Hopefully someone will let us know how the installation went.

Smooth as butter! You install a program with a rather small footprint that connects with the vendor's server, downloads the package, and extracts/installs it into your Community folder. Once installed, you're free to rename the folder or modify it any way you like because there's no DRM or encrypted files like the Asobo premium content. Also, since there's no exe installer, there's no record in the Add/Remove programs list, and no Registry entry. When you run the apps, you can also see when a package has been updated. The apps might default to starting in the background when you log in, but there are settings in both SimMarket's and Orbx's apps to disable this so they only run when you want them. All in all, they just make life easier when it comes to maintaining addons from the vendors.

Side note: When I have to run an exe to install a plane, the first thing I do after is check the Add/Remove list in the Control Panel. If there's an entry for what I just added, I'll open the Community folder and copy the package to the desktop. After I have the safety copy, I'll uninstall from the Add/Remove list to delete the entry, and then just put the safety copy back into the Community folder.
I feel it should be noted that Inibuilds has a much more accurate and much higher-definition, more refined and detailed, Spartan 7W Executive in the works. That's the one I've been anxiously awaiting.
That's great to know. Any estimate as to the time frame? I haven't seen any early reviews yet on this one yet. I suspect this may be similar to Carenado offerings. We might will see some reviews by tomorrow. Good sounds, good looks, hmmm, how does it fly? two out of three not bad...
Well, I've looked back through IniBuilds' forum, and it looks like they've edited out their March 24th announcement that had originally mentioned about the Spartan Executive they were working on. If they've canceled their project because of this HCG product release, it would be a tremendously massive let down! Even though the renders that IniBuilds had posted were still quite early, they already showed a vastly higher level of visual accuracy and craftsmanship than this HCG offering.

These were the IniBuilds renders:


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I have HCG's Hughes H-1 Racer and it's nicely modeled, with an excellent flight model. (Something often not even mentioned in the texture-focused MSFS universe....) I'm going to pick up the Spartan. It's a single-person developer, he's super-passionate, and even if Inibuilds does release theirs down the road, I'm happy to toss $20 at a startup developer who's doing classic aircraft.

Gonna buy this later in the week when I have time to fly it. :)

As for the SimMarket app, it's super-easy and doesn't run in the background or anything stupid. It's not worth missing products in order to avoid it.
Was also expecting and waiting for the Inibuilds Spartan, but will pick this up for sure. First of all I am an impatient guy and I am happy to support small developers even when their products may be "less routined " and maybe seem a little quirky.. The screenshots, the clip and the pricetag look very decent to me and I will get it in the next days. Really looking forward to this one.

My 2¢. :encouragement:

I just installed it. So far it seems very good to me. I was missing Milton's that I had in FSX, P3.
I like the interior. it's a bit more modern than a Staggerwing.:untroubled:
Read the real-world pilot's comments (stall speed).
After a first short flight I can say:
superb modeling, great textures and great soundset. Apart from some minor flickering issues it looks great.
Flightmodel seems plausible, but groundhandling - same with Milton´s Spartan if I remember correctly - is rather tricky.






Will need some more time to fully get into it, but really like it allready.

It was noted over on the MSFS forums that version 1.1 is out that is supposed to fix the ground handling problems.
I'll wait to see what people say about it, if it looks like the problems are taken care of, I'll buy it.
Just did a quick flight with the updated version, and the ground handling is significantly better! Still have to treat it like a taildragger (as is appropriate!), but I took off in a gusting crosswind with no issues, came back around, and landed nicely. Bleeds speed better at idle in flight as well. And the stopped-prop visual is fixed.

Really feels solid now!
Just a quick note after flying the update. Ground handling is very much improved and very easy to maintain centerline both during landings and takeoffs. This is a nice little cruiser that trims out very well manually, and follows the magenta line, LOC/GS very obediently if need be. Only a couple of niggles left, but nothing show stopping. Looks very good, sounds great and handles very well on the ground and in the air. This is a real classic that is finally getting the attention it deserves. Excellent efforts on the part of the developer. Good job.
Just downloading the update and curious about the outcome. Really like the Spartan a lot, but the problems with take off and landing were a major issue for me, but good to see the developer responding quickly to the first overal feedbacks.

If the groundhandling is fixed I will be very happy with it.

Haven't even had a chance to do anything but start the engines until today. The package update didn't show in the SimMarket app until that was also updated (took 5 seconds), but now that I have it, I'm going to head out to Hawaii do a little sight seeing!
Well, now that I've flown it, I have some mixed feelings. Despite only having one pilot showing in both interior and exterior (my selected male avatar), the ATC interaction is in a female voice. The artificial horizon shows me in a pretty severe nose down attitude while in straight and level flight, and can't be adjusted. Then when still on AP with Approach mode selected, I throttled back to get my airspeed into safe flaps range and the plane just decided to forget about the assigned altitude and started to drop from the sky.

Visually, she's a beauty. I think the dev must have flown Milton's version, since there are a couple of magazines in the back seat, a newspaper clipping about the plane on the floor, along with a pack of "20 Cancer Sticks" with the brand "Cameltoe" on the box. Oh, and while there may not be any cup holders, at least the ashtray opens.

I may leave her hangared for a bit until more updates are issued, but she's not bad for a fun flight. The thing I love most is the fact that this is a vintage plane with updated avionics to operate in modern airspace. I really wish more dev's would think this way with vintage airframes.

Edit: I thought the ground steering was wonky, and I was right. Full deflection puts the tail wheel at 90°, which doesn't work. If you open the flight_model.cfg file and edit the point.2 line under contact points as below, you'll have a much better time trying to taxi around. The change is highlighted.
point.2 = 1,-13.242966,0,-1.279077,1800,0,0.43,70,0.1,1.9,0.8,0,0,0,155,155,1
Note - this is for positive steering input. If you want a true castering tailwheel, I believe setting the angle to 180 still works like in previous sims.
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