Specific Military AI Issue


Charter Member

I am aware that a few people here seem to have an interest in the Dassault Mirage series of fighter aircraft, and upon searching through some past posts, are familiar with [FONT=arial,geneva,helvetica][SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,geneva,helvetica][SIZE=-1]Nancy Ochey (LFSO) Airbase.

I have been trying to get the "[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=arial,geneva,helvetica][SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,geneva,helvetica][SIZE=-1]Nancy Ochey (LFSO) AI Package" available in the following link to work, without success:

It should be pretty straight forward to do, and I am familiar with manually installing AI packages, but my airbase still lacks the AI Mirages. (It's for the 2006 version of the scenery.)

Has anyone else had success getting this traffic to work?

Note: All required elements for the package are available on that website. When looking for the base aircraft file, you may have to select "View all Mirage 2000s" on that page.

Thanks for the assistance,


There seems to come a replacing aircraft.cfg with the AI-traffic files ... BUT that doesn't include anything else but [fltsim.xx] part of the file. Are you sure that you haven't replaced the original (whole) aircraft.cfg with that inadequate one?

I'll try to install that traffic too and see if that works with me.

Which Ai Mirages does that package have? Are they the Fernando Martinez' models?

....check the % numbers in the flightplans and make sure you have your traffic sliders set higher than the percentage shown....sometimes the flightplans are set for the slders to be at 100% and if you have your traffic sliders lower than that they will not show up...
The new issue is that they are showing up for a split second when the scenario first loads, but then disappear right away. If the sim starts in a paused state here, you can see the Mirages sunk halfway into the ground.
If you want to bounce more ideas and get a better sense of where I am at with this, I am running a parallel thread here:

EDIT UPDATE: It appears to be an issue with some severely messed up contact points on the AI model. I'm going to do some tweaks and report back later.