If anyone asked if the SSW models are "easy" the answer is NO, they were made to be as close to reality as possible and many design decisions are unconventional (like the fact that all more-than-2-states switches must be operated with mouse wheel).
But many agree that the feeling is "full immersive" once they are learned.
If you are a real pilot as you say (I am also with over 3000 hours of flight and about 2000 with the Starfighter)....
The fact that others, like YoYO, are using it with satisfaction, should cause you some doubt about.
Some things are left better unsaid. I am quite aware of what it takes to know how to fly a high-performance aircraft. I am also aware that in RW flying you don't have to jump through hoops just to get the aircraft. I used to look on the board to see which tail number and location. I either walked out or road the truck/van/bus to the aircraft, There it was. I didn't have to arrange for the paint job before finding the aircraft. If I needed to show my license, medical, etc. that was told to me ahead of time, not when I walked up to the airplane to find none of the switches worked.
If you do have 2000 hours in the F-104,

you well know that the difference between an actual high-performance aircraft and a desktop simulator is like comparing a child's tricycle with a racing motor bike. There is no way a desktop simulator ( at least in my lifetime) will ever approach an actual fighter. For one, we never had to hunt and search with a mouse for a switch. We rarely needed (accept for things like dialing in radio channels) to look down. We knew where it was and found it by feel. If anything, a quick glance down confirmed it was the right switch. There was no head in the cockpit trying to set something with a mouse. Then the seat of the pants flying. In the sim we are always behind the aircraft, reacting to it. We can't tell by kentic senses in a desktop sim that we are climbing, descending, or pulling two Gs in the break. We have to look at the altimeter, VVI, or G-meter. I could go on but you have the idea.
As for fidelity of systems, I can't say for sure since I haven't activated the aircraft yet However, it seems from a quick reading of the manual that not all of the systems work, or work fully. True fidelity of all systems is not important to me. Went I went through RTU for the F-4, it was a six month program. The first month or so were strictly systems academics. The same or more for the B-52. Heck, it takes you two full weeks just to learn the fuel system of a B-52. Not many simmers will spend a month reading manuals and learning systems. Usually, by that time they have gone through six different aircraft. So, please don't preach to me about reading manuals.
My complains were not about the systems or the fidelity to the real Tornado. They were about how darn hard it was to get the airplane up and running. You hide the link to the textures to one little HERE in the middle of a paragraph, on a page that reads like a technical manual itself. (My opinion) I am aware of NO other developer that breaks its initial download into two parts. Even LM allows you to download the entire program in one download, and they have all the needed files on ONE download page. The point here is that convenience is one of the biggest reasons for buying or NOT buying something, be it a gallon of milk or an add-on to a simulator. The wise vendor makes it as easy as possible for a potential buyer to purchase his/her product. Make people jump through hoops to buy something and they will often just not buy.
Lastly, I complained on here because it was "convenient" YoYo had already started the thread. I use developer's forums as a last resort. Most of them make you jump through hoops to sign up, due to fear of giving a non-buyer advice. Go on AVSIM, Fkighsim.com, here or any other large flight sim forum and you will find many many threads asking for support on this add-on or another. Some sites have separate forums for major players like Carenado. Why do so many go to third party forums than the developer's forum? My guess is the convenience word again. Why jump through hoops to get an answer when I can ask here?
SSW, I bought this aircraft to support you. I often buy things I know I may not use to help developers. I am fortunate that I have the money and I see it as a way of giving back to the community. Sort of like donating each year to keep SOH running. The Tornado was the first aircraft that really interested me. I have not asked for a refund. The plane sits on my ssd unused. One day, I may get around to activating and flying it. I am sure I will enjoy the aircraft after getting it to work.
Unfortunately for both of us, I probably will never buy another add-on from SSW. I do know my way around flight sim aircraft. I do have those hours flying in the real world. And, I have never before bought an add-on that was so complicated to get and to work.