Steve's DX10 Fixer taken off FSS shelves?

The Cessna 185 by Coronado... I don't think that it ever had lights in the gauges but there was a red flood that was on the gauges that doesn't work now. The overhead does work.

I just checked the 185 and I don't have the red flood from the lamp on the left side pillar. When I click on that lamp I get the gauge lights on or off. The overhead red lamp works using its switch, but it is very dim (almost totally lost in any kind of ambient light). I already applied the fix Steve posted for 2.3.

DX10 Shader Fixers upgraded to version V3.2.3

Steve Parsons upgraded his freeware DX10 Shader Fixers to version V3.2.3, which now includes a fix for DX10 ORBX FTX Global Lights (those annoying black squares). (you need to login)

Thanks Steve, that's a nice move for those who missed the payware DX10 Fixer.


Iris CRJ-200 over Juneau