still the best


Charter Member
The Best as what it is,CFS3 ranks as the top of the list as truly as SOH is the must go to site. Thanks to all the helpers,modelers,software developers and more who make this all possible .Regards,Scott
I agree, but if the 89 downloads of AnKor's 2016 Shaders are any indication, we are down to a pretty select bunch...
i don't have the shaders,a little over my head.:dizzy:

A bit apprehensive myself when too much is changed at the same time, especially when it concerns things of which I don't understand the inner workings, I tried JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME). I found this little proggie when I took a peek at the WOFF site. Works like a charm and copies the new/modified files into your install while making a backup of the original ones. After setting up the proper folder structure (CFS3 doesn't like 2 instances of the same files in it's directory, so the folders with the new files have to reside outside the main CFS3 folder) it literally takes 2 mouseclicks to install/uninstall these shaders - and boy, do I like them!! Great work from both Ankor and the Major! They really take CFS3 to a new level!
It's all about AnKor's work, and I really had little to do with it other than having the honor of Beta testing it for him.
It's all about AnKor's work, and I really had little to do with it other than having the honor of Beta testing it for him.

But you did add some of your own stuff to the package, didn't you? (Or I must have misunderstood the download's description). Anyhow, fabulous work.
Tiny question, though: Did anyone try addng these shaders to Rising Sun? I get all kinds of spectacular game freezes/crashes but not the wonderful view I have in ETO and MAW...
But you did add some of your own stuff to the package, didn't you? (Or I must have misunderstood the download's description). Anyhow, fabulous work.
Tiny question, though: Did anyone try addng these shaders to Rising Sun? I get all kinds of spectacular game freezes/crashes but not the wonderful view I have in ETO and MAW...

I fully agree thanks MM!:ernaehrung004:
I also am having a problem with the latest Ankor shaders and Rising Sun, can only get the Pearl theatre to work(2)
It looks incredible! As for the other theatre the game goes into a loop once the full theatre screen is reached but does not open.
I just took a look at the Rising Sun bat file, and I don't see anything in there that should interfere with an install of AnKor's Shaders. Does it work okay if you do not have AnKor's Shaders installed?

I've almost never used Rising Sun because i don't trust the Theater Selector process (I have ETO as 5 dedicated installs), and the few times I've tried to do anything other than Pearl I ended up with a corrupted install and had to start all over from scratch. :banghead:
... Does it work okay if you do not have AnKor's Shaders installed? ...

Yes, it works fine without the shaders (although I have only tried Pearl). When I go from the UI to in-flight, the sim locks up after a few seconds and I have to restart my PC.
I tried to take a look at it this morning, but even before I got to trying the new shaders, once again trying to use the Rising Sun Theater Selector function has corrupted my install, and Pearl is the only thing that works... :banghead:

No offense to the genius who came up with the theater selector concept, but it looks like I'll be doing a fresh install, and then breaking this up into it pieces so I can run each as a stand alone like I had to do for ETO. Unfortunately that means I will not be able to diagnose why AnKor's Shaders don't work with the Theater Selector. Perhaps someone who has a happier relationship with Rising Sun can help sort it out for you?
I'm still digging, but I'm seeing the bat files that switch the uisel.xml do very strange things. No matter what is selected in the main bat file it always swaps in the philipines_uisel.xml version and that locks up CFS3.exe when it tries to start.
using the WOFF shaders 04-04-2016 the game runs nicely in each theatre, but I have to delete the cfs3 PTO Rising Sun___ folder from AppData>Roaming>Microsoft file every time I want to change theatre.
So far all I've only been able to get working as dedicated installs is Pearl, Wake, and Midway. AnKor's shaders seem to work in these three versions with the exception of the lagoon at Midway displays incorrectly (black speckles) when viewed from higher altitudes, but when you get down low it looks fine.

The other theaters have been completely resistant to my efforts so far. I did notice that those theaters are missing their Vector folders, but I don't think that's really the issue. The game will only start if I set ShowUIWorld="false" in game.xml, but as soon as I try to start any mission the game crashes without displaying anything, so there is something going wrong with the 3D rendering of those 4 theaters. I've installed the hotfix, but maybe there are some additional files I still need in my install.
More weirdness. I now have AVG where it loads and runs, but the user's aircraft is stuck, while everything else around it is playing. The various views all work, you can fire your guns, but the plane just sits there in the sky unmoving.
Haven't had the issues with Rising sun or PTO and the shaders, I am using a older shader setup right now in both.
I likes the shiny skin for the metal birds so using a older shader in some of my many installs.

Have the newest in my ETO advanced set up The water and shadows are greatly improved with the last one.
But no issues with an older shader in the PTO or Rising sun set ups.
I've tried the non-functional theaters like AVG with no shaders at all and have the same odd behavior. I've been thinking about what could cause the program to freeze the player aircraft without crashing the game, but i'm still at a loss as to what it could be. The engine won't even start on the ground, and with an air start, the control surfaces won't move. This is all with the same aircraft install that works in Pearl, Wake, and Midway. One hint is that the message Simulation Loading keeps flashing, but all of the AI aircraft are already buzzing around shooting each other down.
Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to Glitchville...

...and we hope you enjoy your stay... :indecisiveness:
More weirdness. I now have AVG where it loads and runs, but the user's aircraft is stuck, while everything else around it is playing. The various views all work, you can fire your guns, but the plane just sits there in the sky unmoving.

...a new level of weirdness... must be like fighting for one's life whilst in "pause"

So do you attain the same level of (??) after rebooting/reloading (either and/or both)?
My prayers are with you... :applause: