Storch paints

Suggestions for better sharpness?

Any ideas how to make the text sharper? A good hearted fellow (Bill Dick) has done this repaint for Misty Moorings and is willing to share it. It looks fine but the text seems a bit unclear... maybe I am to picky? If so I will shut up and enjoy!!


Is that lettering a bit jagged? Or is it supposed to be that way?

It's hard to suggest changes when I'm not sure what it's supposed to look like.

You can get maximum image quality by making your textures in 32-bit format instead of DXT1 or DXT3, which are very lossy formats that ruin small details.

If those letters got the jaggies and aren't supposed to look like that, maybe the painter isn't using a program that will do decent anti-aliasing (i.e., blending the edges.) For example, if the textures were made in something like MS Paint, hey could be redone is PSP or a similar program.

Format can cause jagged edges, too. For example, 256-color images just don't have enough colors to blend or shade edges very well.

Sometimes it's the font. (Are those letters done in a text font, or are they hand drawn?) Some fonts don't anti-alias and they get the jaggies no matter what. You can get rid of that to some degree by making them several times as big as they need to be, then shrinking them down. PSP will anti-alias the edges when it shrinks them. You can also get them to blend by rotating them a few degrees, saving them, then rotating them back to their proper orientation.

I don't know if any of this answers the question you're trying to ask, but I hope it helps.
Thanks Mick. It is much more jagged then it should be. Not sure what pgm was used but now I know more then before I asked the question. Again, thanks and thanks to the painter - he did this without having a copy of fs2004 loaded.. very tough to pre visulize...

just about to upload this....

ok schemes now available at, just search my real name not my nickname, thats 'Matt Wynn' by the way hehe, well what do i repaint now.... apart from a friends VA fleet *rolls eyes*