Storm of War: Battle of Britain updates

Friday 2010-04-23 Video Update

Oleg :


First viseo is from the game engine. WIP. Movements, colors of grass, leafs, etc are still not tuned. Was tuned but with the last changes of physics lights laws need to be tuned again. Later.
Second video is from viewer tools (will be posted during 30 min)


Friday 2010-04-15 Development Update


Remind you, this is WIP, shown in tools.
View attachment 5404View attachment 5405View attachment 5406View attachment 5407
Friday 2010-04-30 Dev. update


1C director Boris Nuraliev and Oleg Maddox demonstrate the Il-2 and
new computer technologies to the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.

View attachment 6269


There was some questions about rotating wheels on the ground models. Yes they are rotating, working suspesion (on tanks it is especially a bit simplified for the high FPS, but on cars - completely working in 3D models. However on tanks it is anyway looking like real in most cases)

Ju 88 Cockpit:


He 111 cockpit:

Hello Redriver, you were faster than me...:wiggle:

Anyway, here are some more shots from the same update, and Olegs comments:

Oleg said:
First shot with ground - grass was switched off. I escpecially selected inclined surface that to show buildings - they are placed correct, not like many Il-2 buildings in the past "hanging in air" in the same situation.

Second and third shots - there are "wireless" pillars. Don't worry.. really they are with wires. Simply not everywhere yet.

And later will be more details on such real time rendering pictures... maybe even as graphics option. Because all these fences, bushes, etc, that making picture more real, eating too much in a fligth sim, when we are rendering a lot of them on the really great size surfaces and with much greater vsisble distances, comparing to other genres of the games.

View attachment 9323View attachment 9324View attachment 9325View attachment 9326
Friday 2010-06-04 Dev. update:


Oleg said:

colors/contrast on the ground are not final. We will tune them till the end of the project due to changes in lighting and other features.
Please pay attention that the holes of barrels now open on spitfire that works like it sould be in real




Update June 11, 2010

Oleg said:
Unfortunatelly, today I wasn't able to make new shots. On my PC compiled version was crashed all the time today and guys found why too late (I tried to build special missions for screenshots). So I will show these that were done more early.




