Anyone else having this problem ? I can see them just right.
Oleg Maddox said:Trees in cities are currently turned off to test final buildings placement - rest assured our cities will be green for release!
The trees are still being improved, it's not the final version. As I told earlier – we will tune everything in every detail till end of the project…and then will improve for the next project![]()
So don’t worry about some graphic and colors/lighting glitches that somebody may see on these screenshots.
Water (separate image from programmer’s PC) – is one of the various types in testing. The coastal and shelf (underwater) textures are not present on the shot (in progress).
Oleg Maddox said:There are elevations... and they are seen on the shots, however shown places where they are too small. Look on the shot with the Hurry over water.
PS. For elevations we use satellite data
Oleg Maddox said:Yes, it is. Too early to show
Oleg Maddox said:You are the first who noticed it. I placed this shot with two targets: one is wather and another - to show the quality of the ship
The first target to show that we keep main features and use of Il-2 FMB which will be very useful for Il-2 players. And then we add a lot of new features in the same frame of use like the old one. We keep even most hot buttons or button + mose controls the same.
In the gmaeplay we have two controls of views - the new one due to more greater use of muse (clicable cocpits) and by the switch - same as in Il-2.
Everything for easy transfer from old to the new one... by other words - in terms of user friendly transfer.
Oleg Maddox said:It is a great manual work... now two persons working over it. I hope in most places you will see these details. Many of them were done in 3D models. As well as many special nice details for the airfields that make them looking lifelike.
And as the samples of manually painted textures we use the photos. Modern and old of WWII time.
Not all things is possible, but we try to make everything looking like it was at 1940... Hard to find enough color material for that.
Oleg Maddox said:Yes we will have several types. Answered several times in the past.
Oleg Maddox said:We have new specialists for the effects. When they will be done then we may post video. At the moment I dislike to show too much.
You know we are posting our work not like others. We show all in details step by step, but not the only final videos and shots. We show real work in progress...
Really it is my own input(principles) coming in game industry more than 10 years ago, that some developers also copied.
Oleg Maddox said:Yopu may see already that we have all roads clear, even in forest under the crowns of trees. However we have not yet bridges. This is also great manual work to place them in the right places of the rodas and rail roads (and some part auto). The dark lines on the map on the shots - rivers. Also I noticed in the text of update that we have some glitches that we should correct till end (means some glitches of textures as well).
Repeating: for our textures we use satellite data and photos of WWII time - mix. That to make it looking not like it is now, but more close to WWII time. And really it is not easy to find all things now for all surface of the map.
Oleg Maddox said:t may depends of the PC power and altitude of flight. As more close to the ground more power PC you ned that to render many aircraft at the same time.
Can't say you exact amount of aircraft in the air. Simply because the full graphics settings are not finished yet.
Oleg Maddox said:I hope yes. Right now it isn't like in real life. But I would like to have it realistic and not like the all the time winking. It should be really rare effect and almost not visible in some diection and distances.
Ok, hard to explain with my poor English... Simply I want to get it not like the hack... We will see in final...
Oleg Maddox said:The grass take a lot of resorces in the fligth sim (great surface covered to show). So it is switching smoothly off at some distance. Currently it is neccessary.
Oleg said:In my personal opinion, except meetings with some old friends this is the most incorrect place to spend money that is better to invest in development...
Oleg said:earlier I told that we will say when we will be close to release.
However now I can say that as more power - more better anyway, like for any other good and looking excellent game.
Oleg said:Can say about website at the moment. It was started already several times....It isn't the work that are doing somebody in our team..
Oleg said:If we plan the tools for third party, then we plan viewr of models...
However i don't know at the moment if we will have also viewer for all models that to look just textures.
Oleg said:The map is. Then the objects on the map also.
Oleg said:At the moment I can't say anything.
I only know that FM will test at least two real pilots and one of them - australian with experience to fly old timers, my very good friend
Oleg said:As more later... more things will be shown....
Like in the past with the first release of Il-2, who still remember it.
Oleg said:Yes. Can be damaged. Main wheels tires.
Oleg said:Yes still wip. Maybe in the next update will show how it is really looks.
We still have some problems with the far distance for the trees (not our own engine for them...) - some bugs, so simply we switch them off on such great distances together with other objects on the surface, so it looks not like it should on the great distance.
PS. rememer one thing, as more we add on the great ditances - more power we need for calculations. We have very close to real things calculation of visibility in athmosphere with the best settings... be ready if you like to get all things maxed out