Stratojet Albatross

When I first saw your "Merlin" the first thing that came to my mind was the Martin P6M "SeaMaster"

(Pic borrowed from Wikipedia page on P6M.)
Quick Q...... has anyone mated the albatross with 'Nicks prop dust incl all-wet' ? if so what are the effect parameters in the CFG? many thanks in advance :jump:
Not meaning to hijack a thread, but here's my contribution to all this Albatross renaissance. :wiggle:

The screens are not a very good quality, taken from ACM, but they'll have to do. This paintkit has many new details, shadows, panel lines, rivets, dirt, etc.
This bird kind of reminds me of the planes that were drawn for Johnny Quest.
I did try to find a shot of the plane but finding something that niche is really difficult.
nice to see that this bird gets some real nice paintjobs :)

that plane could look nice in a fictional Italian Protezioni Civil waterbomber
if anyone want to paint that just search the net for pictures of an Italian canadair 415

one question to all that are repainting the albatross is their a paintkit available and if yes where ?

well i said i'd do the IPC and i have..... will do 1 more scheme then upload a 3 pack....




Great looking repaints Falcon!! Just started flying this one - what a fun aircraft to fly. Did the A2A lights and wow - great. Again, as an old navy guy would enjoy USN livery to fly ....

ok italian done.... and corrected, next scheme is.... classified :icon_lol: nah i'll tell you its a private scheme registered G-TSOH :ernae: expect images soon.....
ok, I'm back. Left for Chicago early Sunday morning and just got back early this morning. Man you guys have been busy. I'll get back on my stuff this evening sometime and get some zipped for download.
just thought falcon, if i send you my files could release it as a mass texture pack or vice versa....:ernae:
thats actually a good idea but keep it at a reasonable filesize or make it into vol1 & vol2
large files are no prob for me but there maybe people with slower connections

Nice paint schemes to all!

One small comment. Just an idea. Special Ops would most likely be involved with this aircraft. A CV-22 paint scheme would be really neat on it.

Some updates:

More detail added to paintkit (door handles, warning decals, reversers, etc.) and two more paints: Italian Guarda Costiera, and Venezuelan Armada. Also USCG paint is improved with a better orange colour.

To Railrunner130, USAF low-vis is planned. Also paints for IRIAF, USN (based on Greyhound schemes) and St. Maarten based tour plane are in works.