SU 15 delayed until April

I rarely use the MSFS controller settings. I don’t like having to change profiles for every airplane I fly. Ever since FS9, I have used FSUIPC. Currently I also use Lorby’s Axis and Ohs.

All default settings, I.e., trim, flaps, lights, go into FSUIPC. I will use Axis and Ohs for the aircraft specific functions. I can and do back up both FSUIPC and Axis and Ohs config/Templates. This way I don’t lose my settings if I have a crash. With six Leo Bonnard button controllers, a Honeycomb yoke and throttle setup, plus a new Winwing stick and throttle base, I have a lot of settings that I don’t want to lose.

For those interested, I also have a third program to set controllers called It is very powerful but complicated and hard (for me)to use. I will sometimes use it for setting LVARs to Go Flight controllers.

Each of the above programs automatically knows what aircraft is loaded and pulls up that profile.

I hope this helps.
Hi @jmig (can't quote for some reason)

Thanks for that. I'm really liking your idea of decoupling my bindings for MSFS from inside the game. Sensitivites weren't saving either even when the profile was behaving correctly. I've not done anything with FSUIPC on my new PC, and am not familiar with Axes and Ohs - do I need both programs? And am I correct in understanding that I can use it/them to set multiple aircraft-specific profiles, specifically and automatically for MSFS?

For example, I'd like to have a fixed wing profile for aircraft like the Harrier - where controls function conventionally, and mixture operates as a nozzle setting. But then a rotary-wing profile, where the throttle acts as a collective, and the mixture is the throttle control. To set it once and have it available in MSFS every time I load the sim. One way or the other, I've got to resolve the controller profile issue or the sim is useless to me. I've spent a couple hours each night for the last week trying everything and nothing's working.

Appreciate your insight.

Hi @jmig (can't quote for some reason)

Thanks for that. I'm really liking your idea of decoupling my bindings for MSFS from inside the game. Sensitivites weren't saving either even when the profile was behaving correctly. I've not done anything with FSUIPC on my new PC, and am not familiar with Axes and Ohs - do I need both programs? And am I correct in understanding that I can use it/them to set multiple aircraft-specific profiles, specifically and automatically for MSFS?

For example, I'd like to have a fixed wing profile for aircraft like the Harrier - where controls function conventionally, and mixture operates as a nozzle setting. But then a rotary-wing profile, where the throttle acts as a collective, and the mixture is the throttle control. To set it once and have it available in MSFS every time I load the sim. One way or the other, I've got to resolve the controller profile issue or the sim is useless to me. I've spent a couple hours each night for the last week trying everything and nothing's working.

Appreciate your insight.

FSUIPC uses Profiles. A profile can be for a group of aircraft, say Complex Twins, or aircraft specific, say Millville C-310.

Axis and OHs uses Templates. They will be for the loaded airplane, Say, C-182 RG. However, after saving the C-182 RG template, it can be used for the C-182 or any other airplane that uses the same functionality.

Part of the controller issue with MSFS2020is you no longer have A Throttle function. You have at least six or more. One airplane will work with Throttle 1 while anther uses Set Throttle1. Axis and OHs has a nifty feature that displays the MSFS event when you move the control within the sim. So, you could use your mouse to move the throttle and see what function or event is listed. This doesn’t always work 100%, but it sure helps.

Feel free to ask any questions. I am out of town, so I it may take a day or two for me to answer.
Well whenever it gets here I hope it solves at least some of the hitches and stuttering - it seems to be worsening from one day to the next.
They wrote also that it will be the last sim update before MSFS 2024 … (so looks like the release is pretty close).
I am very curious to see what their scheduling and roadmaps look like when they begin managing both sims in real time with customer support, updates and bug fixes, and all…should be absolute bedlam on toast
As of now (1435Z) there is still no update on the official forum. They'll likely update the "current version" post when the update goes live.
I've read on another forum that a new beta version might need to be released at first, I don't remember the details of the issues to be fixed. So it's delayed again.
To be on the safe side I've moved the content of my community folder to a safe space, deleted the rollingcache file and cleared the DirectX cache. The coming days I will not be flying, but rather returning to moving files to the library.
