SU 15 Live now

Well, I have never had so many CTDs, attempting to use MSFS since it's release, after I installed SU-15. I lost count after plus 10. Doesn't matter if I use Addon-Linker, or just going through Steam to start it. As it stands now, it crashes before I even get to the aircraft selection screen now.

I am going to do a complete uninstall/reinstall. This sucks.

Uninstall/reinstall completed. Didn't take long, thanks for fast Internet.

So far so good. All I did was choose the F/A-18E, did a quick take off and landing, no far.
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And I am not far off by saying new moon. Still downloading but got stuck in the dreaded download loop and had to stop it. Restarted only to have to stop it later in the evening because my new OBDLinkEX arrived and I needed to work on my wifes vehicle to fix the Electronic Power Steering. That fixed it back to downloading. 36% done after downloading for over an hour now. Getting Blazing speeds of 3.xx/ Mbits/s any faster and I think I would get a nose bleed.
I see that the water tiles issue has not been resolved.

Installed the update on my PC yesterday, early morning. Took just under an hour to to download the 16GB update and then update the World Updates.

Odd thing is, last night, I went to update MSFS on my XBox and there was no sign of a 16GB download. There was a small initial download and then I had to update the World Updates. That was it.

My experience seems to indicate the the large 16GB download is PC specific. Am I mistaken?
To uhh.. kinda celibrate SU15 i thought i'd buy the Tornado at Marketplace. Fantastic model inside and out as expected from Dino and friends. No problemo installing SU15 neither. What i do wonder about is what happend to the dreaded but super silly MS 'No Weapons' clausule ? Here's my just bought at MP brand new Tornado :

Is that normal these days ??....... Or is it a hickup in SU15 ? (i did not get that seperate weapons add-on and it looks very much like i don't need to either ;-) Or did IFE find a way around that idiotic 'No Weapons' param ? Or did Dino haggle his way in at MS to allow weapons on any IFE product or else..... ?

What do you think ? Remarkable isn't it ?.. :unsure:
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Jan... Jan... My old friend.. Stop tempting me to spend more money on FS.... Tornado with weapons at marketplace? Ye Gods, thou dost tempt me sorely good sir. - I shall have to come to the Netherlands to relax on your boat to recover. LOL (seriously, will be interested to see if the weapons remain in the marketplace).
No planes purchased from the Marketplace have weapons, it's an Asobo/MS policy. I always wait until SimMarket, Just Flight, or ORBX has it sale, fully armed!

Jan... Jan... My old friend.. Stop tempting me to spend more money on FS.... Tornado with weapons at marketplace? Ye Gods, thou dost tempt me sorely good sir. - I shall have to come to the Netherlands to relax on your boat to recover. LOL (seriously, will be interested to see if the weapons remain in the marketplace).
Hey Ken, yeah interesting to see if MS maybe has come to its senses... I suppose it's a one time mistake though. I didn't know what i saw at first.. ;-) Load out listing is there as well (of course). It's like i bought it at Simmarket or JF but it really was Marketplace.. :cool:
No planes purchased from the Marketplace have weapons, it's an Asobo/MS policy. I always wait until SimMarket, Just Flight, or ORBX has it sale, fully armed!

Well, what do you suppose those pointy things underneath the wings are, Cassie ? Not pulling your leg or something, bought at Marketplace for 29,99 Euro yesterday. Fully armed and all. Remarkable isn't it. Magnificent model comes close to IFE/HB F-14.
Backed up my community and controllers profiles.

The entire SU15 package, and a few updated installations from Content Mgr took less than 10 min. I went and did a household chore and came back 10 min later and it was done. So might have been less.

I have FPS is pegged at 60 and other than MCAS Miramar (35-40), I get the full 60.

No community folder problems, nor any deletions of controller profiles. So far, so good.