Su 7 repaints started


Very odd jobs man and MiGaholic
Here is an early WIP of Rainer Mehlin's model which I have just started working on in the paint shop. Will be a while befor I have anything too upload.



These look great. The 'Eastern Bloc' really seems to be your bag. Like you, I feel that because of a number of factors (mainly the lack of language by yours truly) there has been a dearth in FS9 of what, after all, have been the most prolific jet-fighter types in the globe.
Mehlin has/is doing a fantastic job in providing excellent examples of some of these a/c. Bear Studios have also opened up this area dramatically (Am waiting

He is working on the swing-wing version of the SU-7 at the moment and having looked at the web-site he is showing his progress, I have no doubt that he will produce another winner.

Challenging but rewarding to fly, these high-speed dragons never allow your attention to wander. High speed approaches and landings, everything happening faster and the edge always seems only a razor's width away - amazingly addictive.

Tks for all of your work Steve

Hi Mal, I have already done some prep work on his Su22 fuselage. but will be doing the Su7 first.

Both beautiful jobs, and looking forward to many more finished products!

The MiG-19 and its Shenyang derivatives seem to have been more or less ignored in the community. Do you have any plans regarding this aircraft?
Both beautiful jobs, and looking forward to many more finished products!

The MiG-19 and its Shenyang derivatives seem to have been more or less ignored in the community. Do you have any plans regarding this aircraft?

Heres me a Mig aholic trying too kick the habit and someone has too mention them :). The only MiG 19 I know of for fs9 has no vc, and I have recently been thinking about painting it at sometime in the future. I did release some bare metal schemes years ago when the 19 was first released.

Hi Mal, I have already done some prep work on his Su22 fuselage. but will be doing the Su7 first.


now that nose marking looks very familiar...... would this be the one we saw on the pan in 2010 or was it 2011?.... memory is failing me..... :icon_lol:
now that nose marking looks very familiar...... would this be the one we saw on the pan in 2010 or was it 2011?.... memory is failing me..... :icon_lol:

The yellow red and black nose marking is common too most Su22's. But I am planning too do a Polish aircraft amongst other users.

back too the Su 7, this is the default cammo scheme as included in the paintkit, messed around with a bit, and tweaked a little bit.
Thanks SOLOBO, I have been busy working on this one, just needs a few edges tweaking.
Steve, these are all beautiful repaints. Looking forward very much to their availability, hopefully soon!

Question for you re: the Polish AF aircraft - didn't the Polish AF keep their upper wing surfaces without national insignia? I know they did this, but I've never heard the reason for it.
Most probable reason has something to do with all the senior Airforce personnel who set up and ran the Polish Airforce post ww2 had served and trained in soviet controlled units during ww2 and followed the old ww2 practice in the sov airforce of not having top wing insignia. more a guestimation rather than a provable fact. Maybe some one here can answer this one for you.
As for the wing insignia on the earlier screenie I sometimes can't stop meself, when painting stuff. Heres an updated screenie still got a few bits too sort befor i'm happy with the metal.