Su 7 repaints started

Sorry guys got a little distracted from th Su7 the past few days but I've been playing in the paintshop with something that has eight wheels and a heavy machine gun. Will get back too work on the Su7 in the next few days.
No problem Steve.That wingless-thing you're working on looks quite appealing.:salute:
Is it pilotable(or playable)?And where does one go to get one.(Anything Russian :russia: I am crazy for!)

No problem Steve.That wingless-thing you're working on looks quite appealing.:salute:
Is it pilotable(or playable)?And where does one go to get one.(Anything Russian :russia: I am crazy for!)


I got a mate too convert the model which was found on the internet I'm using it in ez scenery, at my heli base in Afgahnistan which i'm slowly building up. static scenery object only so far, I would also love too have it too drive.

Ah yes. The BTR-60 with 14.5mm auto cannon and a 7.62mm coax machine gun. As your screen shot seems to indicate, there were lots of 'em used in the A-Stan. Many of 'em are still there, just rusting away.
ooops ! Saw the BTR at the last screenie , where can I get it or the scenery ? :jump:

The scenery is early WIP ( only got the one wall and gate area started on so far) soviet helibase I'm building on the outskirts of Bagram town. I use ez scenery as an escape from painting.
The BTR 60 is one of a few old soviet vehicles we are trying too get to work as scenery objects. It would help if we knew what we are doing but it keeps us busy and out of trouble.

Thanks too Matt, Mats and alot of swearing we got a BRDM 2 too play with as well. I am still working on the textures.
I have pretty much finished painting up the BRDM recce, but there are a couple of other BRDM models being fertled with.
there are? :icon_lol:..... i mean... "There Are!" :salute: so that's what i am supposed to be doing!

Well technicaly its 4 if you count the model with searchlight turret and gun depressed, lol.
Here's the BRDM line up so far in various stages of play.

After an all nighter pulled by Matt and myself we have a remodelled, retextured and added two etra BRDM's, added some lights sorted out the shading issues ect. Here is a piccie of current state of the BRDM's. Once I have grabbed a few hours sleep I will turn my attentions to finishing off the BTR 60 textures. That will give me the weekend too play with the T55 textures.
And hopefully some time on the egyptian cammo SU 7.

they're scenery items, can be placed using your choice of scenery item placing kit... as for me, still not slept as i'm working on a few other things... :icon_lol:
The Soviet era vehicles seen on this thread are being produced as static scenery objects and will be made available too download once we have the items we are working on complete, many decisions have had too be made on the detail of these vehicles too keep them as detailed yet low poly as poss. I could do with a couple of volunteers too help test the models too check frame rates ect when using them in scenery. This will mean you will have to place large numbers in the area of an airport and then fly around keeping an eye on the old framerates. I am experiencing no probs or even frame hits on my rig but could do with confirming how they work on other setups. Any volunteers and i only need a couple should drop me a email at my usual address titled Soviet armour, and I will send out the bgl's for the brdm and then the BTR 60. The BRDM when released will come with a basic layered paintkit so people can have whatever flavour they need for there sceneries.

Hey Steve,
I did a quick-small test with eight vehicles(I know very small numbers)and frames only dropped from about an average of 55 to 50,but that includes my custom AI traffic,other scenery items,and the Mil I was flying.Not bad!!!:applause:
I can do some more testing later,larger numbers,ect if you want.Happy to help.:salute:

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