There was an interesting exchange on the Aeroplane Heaven Facebook last night (since deleted by AH, everything now sweetness and light).
The topic started with them asking for a Beta tester for the Lancaster but quickly went south with multiple posters taking them to task for the low quality of (eg) the 707 and it's obvious lack of testing.
AH said it was no longer anything to do with them and Microsoft tested it and everything was now down to MS.
Which suggests that for the local legends etc it should be Microsoft retesting them (or paying the original developers to do so)...
I need to correct a few things here. Firstly, that post was deleted because a) it got out of hand and b) had nothing whatsoever to do with the recruiting of beta testers for the Lancaster.
There are many of these "keyboard warriors" out there who delight in hijacking perfectly good, informative posts for their own purposes (usually malice and little else) and it is a practice we, at AH, will not tolerate. These people are killing this hobby by driving developers away in some sort of self-agrandising attempt to gain internet points. It is a certain reason why you are seeing less and less new product. Developers can't be bothered any more. These idiots don't listen and they don't want to listen. Mayb they will when it is too late.
Secondly, I'd like to clarify things in relation to Microsoft and products we develop for them.
1) Most IMPORTANTLY we DO NOT work or contract for ASOBO. They have NOTHING to do with Microsoft/Aeroplane Heaven products.
2) The ONLY reason we do not respond to criticism or comment on Microsoft/Aeroplane Heaven product is that under the terms of our contract, we are NOT ALLOWED TO. I wonder if people understand how frustrating that can be for us.
3) There is a perfectly good, very efficient beta-testing process run by Microsoft with their own teams. We work with these teams to address issues, daily, and submit new upgraded product for evaluation.
4) There are already a number of upgrades and fixes submitted to Microsoft for the products we work on. We await further instruction.
5) We have NO CONTROL over release dates or procedures to place these upgrades back into the marketplace.
6) Therefore we advise that anybody wishing to discover progress on these upgrades or dates for release or the progress of new projects, CONTACT MICROSOFT, NOT US. PLEASE.
7) If you follow the correct procedure and send your complaints, comments or congrats (hah!) to Microsoft, ultimately we will receive notice to address them but again, we have no control over when that might be.
I hope that clears up a few things for people.