Right MM,you might have a job on your hands if my contact can't manage a go at it.............
Okay,I've taken it for a better sortie earlier,up for nearly and hour out of RAF Cosford.
I used modern civvy power/rpm/trim settings for an a/c that isn't fitted for combat service.
PR.XI's had the leading edge tanks and a Merlin 70 fitted,I see from the FDE we have a Merlin 63 and just the
standard two fuel tanks ahead of the cockpit.
Both PL965 and '983 have no l/e tanks,but both have a Merlin 70 fitted,pretty much the only other differences are that '965 has a "fighter"windscreen,'983 has the correct curved PR screen making '983 just that little bit more "slippery"(the Spit XI was a very aerodynamically smooth aeroplane as Spitfires go)
Fuel load was 50%,pilot(bit of a fatboy

)/payload was 200lbs.
Brakes off started with +4 boost and 3000 rpm and a couple of notches on the rudder trim,opening up to +6 as the speed came up to 50+kts ,the swing is more catchable using that technique,unstick at about 95,u/c up and hood shut at 100',come back to +4 and 2400revs gets you a nice ROC at about 1500 fpm,pretty much on the money there.
Cruise settings are +2 and 1850 gives 200kts/230mph,again pretty much on the money
Elevator trim is extremely sensitive,Spits are supposed to be easy to trim out hands off,but this thing porpoises
about between +500 and -500 feet .
The cockpit trim wheel doesn't seem to move and has no effect.
Apart from that,general handling isn't bad.
Flying the circuit and approach though......(it does sideslip BTW).
The PR.XI being pretty slippery,(around 10-15kts faster than a IX across the speed range),tends to fly the circuit abit faster than say a Mk.IX or VIII,so normally the boost/prop revs have to be set a bit lower with the run and break at -1 boost and 2000 rpm to come down below the 160 kt limit
for flap and u/c extension,then down to -4 and 2000 rpm for the circuit which should give you 120kts for the turn onto finals then once you've turned in to get down to 85 for touch down.
That isn't the case here,I had to use -1 to +1 boost to maintain 105kts on finals to touch down just past the keys,
Spits can and will float a bit,but this has a fair rate of sink(drag/lift scalar?).
Three points do give a nice "Spitfire Bounce" though.
Also,why has it incremental flaps with a horrid grinding sound? Spit flaps are air operated and are either up or down.
The oleos need stiffening up a bit too,it wobbles about on the ground like a drunk,but,but,above 12k the boost
doesn't drop off,so the two speed two stage blower is working correctly.
That's all for now folks.