TACO, Saggerwinging it to OZ

:applause:Whoa, nice flight. Lot of overcast until about 30 miles from Allhahbad where the weather cleared up. Sure is nice to see the ground when you are approaching an airport! hehe.

Flight Time: 2:25:00
Routine Ground Time: 45:00
Special Ground Time: 00
Penalty Time: 00:very_drunk:
:biggrin-new: Holy Cow, being in India, the weather was just great! A very, very sweet flight.

Flight Time: 2:08:24
Routine Ground time: 45:00
Special Ground Time: 00
Penalty Time:00
This flight was from Calcutta/Kolkata (VECC) to Rangoon/Yangoon (VTBD). On most of the flight we had a 18 to 25 kt crosswind, but about a hundred miles from landing the wind blew and the poopie flew, thunderstorms, but alas, it cleared up on approach, Ah.....for a change good luck. Flight Time: 2: 59:00 Routine Ground Time: 45:00 Special Ground Time: 00 Penalty Time: 00
:encouragement:Whoa! got another one! This flight is from Rangoon VYYY to Bangkok VTBD. A completely uneventful flight, hehe being far from the norm.

Flight Time: 1:41:33
Routine Ground Time: 45:00
Special Ground Time: 00
Penalty Time: 00
:applause:Trim, trim, and more trimming! Had around a 25 to 28 kts cross wind. For the book. Bangkok VTBD to Alor Star WMKA. Our luck was holding just before we started our approach the weather cleared, as note in the attached picture.

Flight Time: 2:38:39
Routine Ground Time: 45:00
Special Ground Time: 00
Penalty Time: 00
Rain and hail on approach, me little red aero plane is getting chips in her paint and a few dents. No Problem thou, here is the information for our flight between Alor Star WMKA to Singapore WSSL. Flight Time: 01:57:44 Routine Ground Time: 45:00 Special Ground Time: 00 Penalty Time: 00
:running:After running into some minor problems with my computer I finally finished the flight between WSSL to WIHH(FSX). Onward towards the Land of OZ, and then I will shoot this here puter!

Flight Time: 02:40:38
Routine Ground Time: 45:00
Special Ground Time: 0:00
Penalty Time: 0:00
:encouragement: Here is the information concerning our flight between Jakarta (WIHH) to Selaparang (WADA). The flight was longer than expected, instead of trying to fly over those big hills that could spit some fire stuff, we flew around them as noted in the pictures.

Flight Time: 03:13:30
Routine Ground Time: 45:00
Special Ground Time: 0:00
Penalty Time: 0:00
Here is the text file for my last flight. WIHH to WADA. Would not up load with the above files.