Taco's ride F6F

:wiggle::wiggle: Hey how about this we made it......! Landed at GSP! Man! it sure took a heck of a long time for us to finish this section of the race!
:encouragement: Hey all, going to push of luck hopefully it is still with us. Leaving GSP to HFD. May we have fair winds.:applause:
:very_drunk: Hey here are again, we made it. The flight was so nice if this bugger would have had a sleeper I would have been in it taking snooze! Back to Bidness we landed at HFD in one pc.
:wiggle::wiggle: Hey how about this we made it......! Landed at GSP! Man! it sure took a heck of a long time for us to finish this section of the race!

Jim, looks like you posted the wrong duenna files for this leg...
:biggrin-new::biggrin-new: Hey Paul, delete the Duenna from the first flight, so I re-flew the bugger. JCB to GSP over those bloody mountains. lol.

:biggrin-new:Hey folks, Hehe we made it. A very nice flight, got a little short on fuel but all went well. Came in a little fast and needed to go around, but all ended well@

Landed at WABB.

:running: Hey Yall! Luck seems to be going our way for a change, hehe, So we are going to give this a go! leaving WABB to WA1A.
Had a fast moving thunder storm come thru just as I seen the runway, and don't know what happen lost all of FSX and 9. Trying to recover every thing now. Hope to be back flying soon.
:encouragement: Hi there! I think and hope I have all the ducks in a row, going to give WABB to WA1A a go again. Hehe, even if it just looks like thunder storms, this fellow is pulling the plug on this here magic box.

I'm not ashamed to say it, but if a storm gets close, I shut down and pull the plug. I lost a PC about 18 years ago from it.
Hooray! Here's hoping that the dreaded FSX CTD bug has moved on to another host...
:wavey: I'm back! Hehe, out of town for a few days. Well any way here we go again. F6F from WA1A to WAMH.
:very_drunk: Landed with only fumes in the fuel tanks. hehe, but we made it. Landed at WAMH. Wow! one more to go!
:applause:Hot Dog, getting ready for the last part of this race, in my case, just a fun flight even with all the boo-boos me and FSX have done together. lol.

Leaving WAMH to RP17, and hopefully a safe landing.:biggrin-new: