Leg 7 Lisbon - Tenerife
Lisbon Tenerife
1st flight across the atlantic. Quite some apprehension - missing the islands this may have turned out as a direct leg Lisbon - south america, swimming the major part.
Had read up on sextant navigation during the vacation on the beach to reduce the risks of the atlantic flights.
So this was the first test of the Sextant skills - TO at 10:08 (UTC in sim) to get a fix at 12:08Z some way before CGXO with the sun (almost) at right angles to the track. That should have allowed to determine lateral drift exactly.
During the measurement:
Actually the plane is measured to be exactly (to within 5 nm) on the assumed Line of position (LOP) .
Plots of the position in Google Earth:
So it turned out I was almost right on track anyway, but that confirmation was good to have for peace of mind...
These experiences made it very clear though, that a Sextant is no method to rely on solely- a cloud layer one can not climb over just makes it useless, and it doesn't guide one down to the AP in IMC. So - nice to have, but not to rely on solely.
In the Calclassics propliner tutorial, another of the reads on the beach - excellent job! and a work of love - 2008 FSAviator points this out very clearly. Good reading, also chapter 2a regarding pioneer, vintage and classic navigation techniques.
Quite some clouds approaching the island. A cloud was just sitting on the Runway, making it difficult to locate.
Nice flight, good experience, fun.
Climbing out grom Lisbon
Where's the airport?