Taz Back to the drawing board


almost done mapping 2 parts left then in the paint shop then in the game for test then cockpit which will be no problem will try to get some in game pics for you all in a few days i am back in the mood which i get things done a lot faster sorry for the delay

That's looking VERY good! Great job. We do desperately need a Texan/Harvard...

If I can make one comment from the skinner's point of view, it's generally easier to paint when the cowling is mapped separately from the fuselage, so the cowling textures and fuselage textures don't come into conflict - particularly along the forward fuselage where it's covered by the cowling. Don't know it you've already done that, because if you can't see what you shouldn't see, then it's been done right...

I am not a skinner or painter i just do my best with it stopped asking for help long ago with any model
i do cause I end up doing it all anyway not thanks for the input not sure if it was good or bad thanks my friend
in the painting i just do what i can if folks think they can do it there is a very detailed template included with
this model so the real painters can do it justice.

Well, I don't like to say anything negative about what anybody does in GMAX, because aside from a pretty smart line in teapots, I can't do anything! But that aircraft does look highly promising in its own right...

THANKS I'll fix it silly me guess i was thinking of househobbit who flys upside down all the time


Finishing up the paint job then the cockpit been busy repairing others computer got them all done so i can get back to it not happy with the paint template will do another one when i update the plane. thanks for your waitng


Still plugging along plan on release date around Christmas day or a little sooner done moving got the internet straight got computer up and running again so I should be able finisher her up no computers to fix but i think i have two to do later this week but that won't take to much time to fix so I will be moving alot faster this plane has taken to long which i blame myself for it taking to long have not been working on it so, how is suppose get done.


Have a Great Day Taz

Started the cockpit today lets see if my talent will let me release it on Christmas eve or Christmas Day so I 2 Days to make it on Christmas like I said earlier I want it out by eve or day wish me luck will post some pics later today.


