Team Outhouse RTWR 2012 Practice 1


Came down a little too heavy. (Thought it would have been right actually) ah well.

Baton back to ZS2U
I re-flew unofficially and got a handle on the A7. Gotta say, I hate it a lot less now :)

Anyway, here's the output in case you want to keep moving forward from UNOO. Otherwise, I guess I can re-fly it officially for more practice.
During the actual race it wouldn't count for a couple of reasons. 1) you never announced that you had the baton for the second attempt and 2) you can't release the baton and then pick it back up yourself. Someone else has to carry it before you can again.

But as far as I'm concerned it's good for a first practice.
Haha, yeah I realize it would have been invalid if it was under race conditions. I was originally just going for a practice run, at the last minute I thought I'd run duenna anyway.
ETE: 30 mins + landing. Tom Petty on the 8-track while cruising at altitude. All Conditions Normal.
Going online with the SOH FS Host server to avoid any potential unpleasantness with the AI traffic (and those Cossacks in the Control Tower)
Wingman for Cputters USSS to UWKS in the de Havilland Hornet

*** edit HA HA you beat me to it.

Yes I am going to alternate airport
Baton back to UUEE

something fishy is calling for a re-install. Going to check some settings out before re-flying.