ORBX FTX Global Trees were done by Scott Armstrong.
The Terra Flora trees by Russ White have a different appearance than the ORBX FTX Global Trees, but I think it will come down to artistic preference. I can't say anything regarding performance with the new TF set, it is hard to benchmark, but FPS appear to be very stable and smooth after a brief evaluation.
I have both. I also have my own autogen WIP installed.
I like the idea of having choices, so being able to switch things up is appealing. IMO
No compatibility issues with Orbx Global or the regions?
I've only got a few hours in the seat with the trees, but I don't see any issues...so far. If something pops up, I'll bump the thread. I don't anticipate any problems though. Russ White is an accomplished dev.
No ground textures that I can see at this piont . As you probably know Drzewiecki designs have a freeware grass
If you have not seen this video, go and see. I think it says just about everything about this Terraflora vs. Orbx - issue!