There's a post in the forum Terraflora with a couple of screenies of YLIL- Orbx with different trees (Terraflora) compared to Orbx HD trees
I watched that video and flew to the exact same place And noticed a difference. Note the light coloured tree trunks of the Gum trees. Therefore I disagree with the video
Other screenshots in that forum post were within Orbx regional areas except Switzerland and PNG, however I have Orbx Global installed. So the whole planet is Orbxfied in one way of another !
I watched that video and flew to the exact same place And noticed a difference. Note the light coloured tree trunks of the Gum trees. Therefore I disagree with the video
Other screenshots in that forum post were within Orbx regional areas except Switzerland and PNG, however I have Orbx Global installed. So the whole planet is Orbxfied in one way of another !