Terrain graphics question


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
I used to have very good looking landscape, before I messed up my game by trying to start OFFmanager.exe
After the re-install, the terrain is still looking good, but doesn't blend into the distance, getting softer and hazier. I thought, it was "terrain ring blend" in the overrides, but that's on.
Also new is TrackIR.

Does anyone know, what the solution could be?
I used to have very good looking landscape, before I messed up my game by trying to start OFFmanager.exe
After the re-install, the terrain is still looking good, but doesn't blend into the distance, getting softer and hazier. I thought, it was "terrain ring blend" in the overrides, but that's on.
Also new is TrackIR.

Does anyone know, what the solution could be?

Did you reset your anti-aliasing and anisotropic?
I think Siggi's suggestion is on target. But I have a little different terrain question (not to completely hijack, since it is a terrain question). The other night I flew a mission and there were noticeable gaps in the terrain stretching across the world. Every mile or so, there would be this sometimes wider, sometimes hairline thin line of missing terrain, as if the terrain tiles just didn't quite meet. Haven't seen it again. I wonder if any of my messing around with Nvidia settings brought that about. Anyone else see this?
I used to have very good looking landscape, before I messed up my game by trying to start OFFmanager.exe
After the re-install, the terrain is still looking good, but doesn't blend into the distance, getting softer and hazier. I thought, it was "terrain ring blend" in the overrides, but that's on.
Also new is TrackIR.

Does anyone know, what the solution could be?

Olham you should be using OFF manager Icon on your desktop for all flights?

You should not be running CFS3.exe directly

Terrain Quality Not the Same with 1.25e

Olham54, Winder, Siggi, et al.,

I'm having the same problem...landscape is much more pixelated/jagged in v1.25e, especialy when sitting on the field. My own planes, and especially enemy planes are not nearly as cleanly rendered. No combination of AA and/or AF settings seem to clear this up.

At first I though this might be due to Catalyst 9.2 drivers, but have tried several older driver sets with the same result.

I'm stumped.

BTW, I love this sim!!!

Olham54, Winder, Siggi, et al.,

I'm having the same problem...landscape is much more pixelated/jagged in v1.25e, especialy when sitting on the field. My own planes, and especially enemy planes are not nearly as cleanly rendered. No combination of AA and/or AF settings seem to clear this up.

At first I though this might be due to Catalyst 9.2 drivers, but have tried several older driver sets with the same result.

I'm stumped.

BTW, I love this sim!!!


What are your slider settings? - also make sure you have AA and Aniso enabled on your GPU settings especially after a driver update!.

So in workshops press "CFS3 Config"

Go File, Change Display Options and set your screen res and most NB set the Anti-Aliasing to the max number of samples - and then press OK.

Finally go File, Custom settings and make sure your sliders are still as required or bump em a notch but jaggies is AA and Aniso.

V1.25 made no changes to terrain graphics - if it did it would not be a 13Mb download!


Siggi: Did you reset your anti-aliasing and anisotropic?

Were are those to be set - and to which values?
Siggi: Did you reset your anti-aliasing and anisotropic?

Were are those to be set - and to which values?

On the cfs3.config panel, where you set resolution, FSAA should be zero.

Then on the desktop, right-click desktop and select properties, settings tab, advanced, and then the tab for your graphics control panel.

In "manage 3-D settings" you should add the cfs3.exe so you can set it individually. Put the FSAA and AF on x16, doing that had no negative impact on my FPS and I get wonderous graphical quality. You'll also find other stuff in there, but apart from v-sync (put that off for more FPS, but will get some level of tearing, your choice) leave as default unless you get bad FPS, in which case turn other stuff off (experiment).
Siggi, I just checked, but can't find anything called FSAA in the CFS3config.
There's "Overrides" and "Texture" things, but no FSAA anywere.
It's tough, when you realise, it's tech English, and you don't understand it.

For the graphic card (ATI Radeon X1900), I have a CATALYST Control Center. But I didn't see any way to integrate CFS3.exe in the 3D settings there.
But thanks anyway - will try to find someone near, who can check.
Siggi, I just checked, but can't find anything called FSAA in the CFS3config.
There's "Overrides" and "Texture" things, but no FSAA anywere.
It's tough, when you realise, it's tech English, and you don't understand it.

For the graphic card (ATI Radeon X1900), I have a CATALYST Control Center. But I didn't see any way to integrate CFS3.exe in the 3D settings there.
But thanks anyway - will try to find someone near, who can check.

It's named as "Anti-Aliasing" in the cfs3.config panel, same bit where you set the screen resolution.

Sorry, I didn't know you were on an ATI card. I have no idea how that one works I'm afraid.
I think Siggi's suggestion is on target. But I have a little different terrain question (not to completely hijack, since it is a terrain question). The other night I flew a mission and there were noticeable gaps in the terrain stretching across the world. Every mile or so, there would be this sometimes wider, sometimes hairline thin line of missing terrain, as if the terrain tiles just didn't quite meet. Haven't seen it again. I wonder if any of my messing around with Nvidia settings brought that about. Anyone else see this?

Yup. Has happened to me 3 or 4 times - plus large unrendered squares of white that gradually fill in as I approach them. Plus the lines and blocks seemed "to grow" (get worse). So you're not alone.
That sounds to me like some kind of data issue between your graphics card and the rest of the system. I think your OC of the card might have damaged it, or it was on the way out anyway. I've had it happen with cards before, most noticeably with the ATI 9700-Pro. Started getting texture-drawing issues, then full-screen corruption and lock-ups. It's the memory on the card going bad usually. Or just not enough of it/not fast enough.

If I remember you correctly I think your card was already factory OC'd, so pushing it even further than that, especially without custom cooling, was never a good idea for longevity. It could be something else entirely of course.
ATI Card Working Fine Again

Olham54, Winder, et al.,

The graphics problems Olham54 was describing appeared AFTER I installed 1.25e and updated my Catalyst drivers to 9.2.

When I first installed the 9.2 drivers, when I entered BHaH, I received a message that my cfs3.exe settings were "out of date", so I restarted BHaH and set my cfs3.exe settings and everything was fine. However, after a few days of tweaking, the game no longer responded to changes to graphics settings through Catalyst, and the graphics looked like they needed some serious AA.

So, I reinstalled Catalyst 8.12 and received the "cfs3.exe out of date" message when I started BHaH, and after setting up cfs3.exe in Workshop, everything is beautiful again, with great framerates.

My question: Is it necessary to Reset OFF in Workshop whenever you change graphics drivers?

Also, Olham54, if you want my opinion of various Catalyst Settings with an an ATI 1950, let me know. I just upgraded to a 4870 from one.

That sounds to me like some kind of data issue between your graphics card and the rest of the system. I think your OC of the card might have damaged it, or it was on the way out anyway. I've had it happen with cards before, most noticeably with the ATI 9700-Pro. Started getting texture-drawing issues, then full-screen corruption and lock-ups. It's the memory on the card going bad usually. Or just not enough of it/not fast enough.

If I remember you correctly I think your card was already factory OC'd, so pushing it even further than that, especially without custom cooling, was never a good idea for longevity. It could be something else entirely of course.

The thought has crossed my mind, too. But I just played an hour session of CoD:WAW earlier this evening as a test and it ran at a steady 90 fps (FRAPS) with nary a hint of a graphics hiccup/problem.

And after the initial crash with OFF 3 I ran three successive 3Dmark06 tests without a problem, which from past experience is a good stress test.

The additional OC I have cranked in was derived through gradually bumping up the core and mem speeds until the I began to see artifacts and then backed it down until it ran stable. But, time will tell..
Well, I'm not oc'ing my card, which is a nVidia GeForce 9800GT, with 512. And it's new. But it may have been my settings, which I have fiddled with a bit, following some recommendations here on the board. Like I said, I haven't seen it since that one time. I have my settings per Siggi's suggestions above now (mostly default, but with the 16x FSAA and Aniso). I did notice, though, when it did happen that one time, that after I landed, if I looked behind me (TrackIR) there was a huge patch of ground right under my plane and stretching out a few "feet" on each side that was just white, no texture. Weird. Hopefully it won't return.
Well, I'm not oc'ing my card, which is a nVidia GeForce 9800GT, with 512. And it's new. But it may have been my settings, which I have fiddled with a bit, following some recommendations here on the board. Like I said, I haven't seen it since that one time. I have my settings per Siggi's suggestions above now (mostly default, but with the 16x FSAA and Aniso). I did notice, though, when it did happen that one time, that after I landed, if I looked behind me (TrackIR) there was a huge patch of ground right under my plane and stretching out a few "feet" on each side that was just white, no texture. Weird. Hopefully it won't return.

Just a thought ...

We both have Nvidia cards and no one (yet) with an AMD/ATI card has posted seeing the problem. Might be something to keep in mind should others post about it..
Olham54, Winder, et al.,

The graphics problems Olham54 was describing appeared AFTER I installed 1.25e and updated my Catalyst drivers to 9.2.

When I first installed the 9.2 drivers, when I entered BHaH, I received a message that my cfs3.exe settings were "out of date", so I restarted BHaH and set my cfs3.exe settings and everything was fine. However, after a few days of tweaking, the game no longer responded to changes to graphics settings through Catalyst, and the graphics looked like they needed some serious AA.

So, I reinstalled Catalyst 8.12 and received the "cfs3.exe out of date" message when I started BHaH, and after setting up cfs3.exe in Workshop, everything is beautiful again, with great framerates.

My question: Is it necessary to Reset OFF in Workshop whenever you change graphics drivers?

Also, Olham54, if you want my opinion of various Catalyst Settings with an an ATI 1950, let me know. I just upgraded to a 4870 from one.


You always need to reset the CFS3 Config after updating the Graphics Drivers - procedure as explained above.

So New drivers:

1) Install Drivers and reboot

2) Setup Drivers to force/override game AA and Aniso using your cards interface app. (Nvidia Control Panel and whatever it is now for ATI).

3) Setup CFS3 config from workshops as above making sure you set

3.1) Display Res Press OK when Done
3.2) AA samples to max! Press OK when done
3.3) Sliders.

