teson1 going west

Wow.. today's not my day... :isadizzy:

Crash upon landing.

Both take-off and landing crashes are pilot error.

Take-off: Hot day, large building and trees at the end of the runway (and doing stupid stuff) = snatched the top of the trees.

Landing= too fast (and may have forgotten the gear ?).

Flight time: 00:45:10

Penalty for take-off crash: 00:10:00
Penalty for landing crash: 00:10:00

Race time: 01:05:10

Direct distance: 139.2 nm

Fuel Consumed: 76.8 lbs

Arrived at the West coast !
Down safe at KSQL.

Heading for the party with some refreshments. Threw that moaning banker out for the last leg, and loaded something more significant.

Flight time: 00:34:02

Direct distance: 105.0 nm

Fuel consumed: 65.3 lbs


Outstanding event ! Thanks for the whooping ride !
After a few legs the routing criteria became quite clear : Select the West's best sights and string them together taking care a few peaks are sticking well into the way. :)
What a great sightseeing tour !
And thanks for designing an event that let me fly my beloved SF-260.