...and then once in position he "flies" the boom to the contact so it's up to the pilot to just stay in one place while the boomer plugs in.
I used to try with the Lago Refueler and the Falcon and it was a frustrating exercise in futility
Wasn't that the reason why Navy Aviators ("drogueing") think they're better than Air Force Pilots ("booming")? :d
I always had trouble finding the Lago tanker:isadizzy:
Wing_Z I don't really remember if I saw any side to side movement, although it could have been subtle. I was just blown away by what I was seeing. . .sitting in the seat next to the boomer, watching as one of our F-16's pulls into view off the right wing and slowly maneuvers up into position in this big picture window with the earth below us. . .wow. . .just an amazing sight. He was close enough that when he raised his visor I recognized him and we talked a few minutes while he filled up. Man, it sucks being retired.Falcon: I suppose it sounds simple "just" to fly holding position while the boom operator flies the contact, but...
Matter of interest, is there any side-to-side (as well as up/down) movement available in the USAF boom?