The Absolute Most Difficult Flight


Charter Member 2011
Messing with the French AF and associated sceneries and AI, thought I'd try my hand at a little A2A refueling again.

Do try this sometime, nothing else comes close.
This is in HD, so at a pinch can be watched fullscreen.
Share the pain...

Nice job there Wing_Z. I used to try with the Lago Refueler and the Falcon and it was a frustrating exercise in futility. I've sat next to the Boomer on three different occasions during refueling of our F-16's during overseas and stateside deployments and they make it look very easy. . .it is not, lol.
Good job there, nice vid. It would be easy if only it was 2 dimensions, but dang that third dimension, and made worse by the fueller shifting about too, then of course there is the wind and turbulence, and if that is not bad enough, being verbally harrassed with "Bingo Fuel"
Thank you...I wonder which would be the more difficult: Boom or drogue?
I've tried both in the sims and thought the boom was more unnerving because you can't see the connect.

Might try a boom again later, but first, how about a little multiplayer?




Might attempt a little video clip too...
Good question Wing_Z. Actually, real world with the KC-10 Boom, the boomer directs the aircraft to a position behind the tanker and then once in position he "flies" the boom to the contact so it's up to the pilot to just stay in one place while the boomer plugs in.
...and then once in position he "flies" the boom to the contact so it's up to the pilot to just stay in one place while the boomer plugs in.

Wasn't that the reason why Navy Aviators ("drogueing") think they're better than Air Force Pilots ("booming")? :d
Falcon: I suppose it sounds simple "just" to fly holding position while the boom operator flies the contact, but...:wiggle:
Matter of interest, is there any side-to-side (as well as up/down) movement available in the USAF boom?

Middle: I started with an AI flight using a package by Rok Dolenec "", which tracks from Marseilles to Le Bourget at 16,000ft.
The first bits of the video were flown "live" approaching the tanker with the F1 Mirage.
Subsequent shots were made recording successive tracks in Recorder Module.
Falcon: I suppose it sounds simple "just" to fly holding position while the boom operator flies the contact, but...
Matter of interest, is there any side-to-side (as well as up/down) movement available in the USAF boom?
Wing_Z I don't really remember if I saw any side to side movement, although it could have been subtle. I was just blown away by what I was seeing. . .sitting in the seat next to the boomer, watching as one of our F-16's pulls into view off the right wing and slowly maneuvers up into position in this big picture window with the earth below us. . .wow. . .just an amazing sight. He was close enough that when he raised his visor I recognized him and we talked a few minutes while he filled up. Man, it sucks being retired.
Falcon: Well at least you have the memory. I'd give...a great deal, for the view you had there
Middle: You're welcome!

And here's the second video clip before I forget:

Ahh, movies are never what they seem :)
I flew a Captain Sim 707 between the 2 Mirage Recorder Module tracks and panned around the cockpit!