The Best Carrier for FS9?


Charter Member
I am trying to find the best aircraft carrier for FS9, i dont suppose there is any way to make Javier Fernandez's new FSX carrier work in FS9? Even as a static?

I was hoping to try my hand at Carrier operations and the Italan Carrier package with a TomCat or a Viper seems the way to go... but any suggestions are very welcome. I just had hoped for a flattop with good detail,.... and i will keep digging.
Best modern -toss up between Ark Royal (Seaking55) and Alphasim Enterprise. They released the Puerto Rico location as freeware - if 80's/90's USN era flying is what you're after, that's your ticket.

Best post wwII - Aeronavale Arromanches

Best WWII - Battle of Midway package by Yanco - hands down. for that one. The CV-27 Langley included in the TBM Avenger package is pretty good also - and there are locations in Italy, Vancouver, Victoria - as well as the default Pacific theatre.

I know it is payware but the Admiral Kuznetsov package at Alphasim is hard to beat at $28.20 and they throw in a very nice Su33 to practise carrier landings in between the Kuznetsov's AI Su33's doing touch and go's.

Regards Paul Day.
I've always wanted a carrier a couple of miles just off Plymouth, so that I can practice my landings on. Is this possible and is it difficult to do?

I've always wanted a carrier a couple of miles just off Plymouth, so that I can practice my landings on. Is this possible and is it difficult to do?


hello Martin,

Its pretty simple to set up, you need Rob Barendregts' 'carrier operations'
gauge set, or ann add-on such as Rhys' Eddy's 3-Wire or Rich Hogen's ArrCab, however these don't always work with aircraft of the 'tail-dragger' variety (its' an Fs2004 thing)

Ask over at CBFsim, I'm sure someone put some alternate locations together for 'Ark Royal', and there's some practice cable scenery
for a couple of USN bases available too.


Cheers for that Pete,

Have posted a thread over at CBFS, so will see what happens. I just want something a couple of miles offshore to practice landings on. I'm not the best person for flying over water. I know the aeroplane doesnt know its over the sea, but my posterior does and on a single engine, my ears too become rather sensitive at times!!

Best wishes,

thanks guys for the suggestions much appreciated. I see someone has made a nice panel that has views of a WWII Hornet i think, ..the creativity never ceases to amaze me around here. thanks again for the ideas.
Alpha's (payware) Enterprise is my fav, and not just because I served on her- the details are awesome, and the AI ops are amazing to watch.
If you're looking for something that's lighter on framerates (very important for older comps), for WWII carriers I use the Lexington World cruise set by Mick. It puts USS Lexington CV-2 in about a dozen spots worldwide.

For modern carriers, I use the original Arrcab carriers by Richard Hogan. This will put 18 Nimitz class scattered throughout the world. Mr Hogan was kind enough to let me upload it to here under name, giving him full credit.

I use the Carrier Ops gauge set with all my carrier aircraft and it works just find with tail draggers for me.
thanks Marcel and Willy and all ...i was looking for a modern Carrier with the greatest detail and detailed textures possible, but as a naval history person, i love carriers of any era and will check out all the suggestions here, i have many already downloaded in my archives just have not had time before now to try the carrier options that this remarkable and creative community have created and or share... :) thanks again to all hands.
I see there is quite a bit to learn about setting up carreirs for ops, i will have to keep digging.

...or do a search for arrcab on flightsim.

Arrestor Cables version 2.6 works with FS9 and FSX.

Its a nice program but has limitations. It can not Cat Launch Tail Draggers.

RCBCO 2.0 Also works well and can Cat Launch tail draggers.

Arrestor Cables does a better job of catching cables anywhere. This is help full when you install a new carrier and do not have defined zones.

I personally use both but not in the same plane.
For modern carriers, the only freeware ones that I know of that have working blast deflectors are the ArrCab carriers. Once you're used to lining a jet up on the cat and seeing the blast deflector come up behind you, you'll really notice when that doesn't happen on other boats.
I've always wanted a carrier a couple of miles just off Plymouth, so that I can practice my landings on. Is this possible and is it difficult to do?

How difficult depends on the carrier.

The software you need is Microsoft's BGLcomp and someone else's (can't recall) BGLxml. If you download almost any of Paul Clawson's FS9 carriers you'll find a link to BGLcomp, a copy of the other program, and complete instructions on how to relocate the carrier.

It looks complicated at first, but it's really quite simple once you get into it. Just follow the instructions line by line. Pretty soon you won't have to refer to the instructions anymore.

The same technique works for a lot of objects, not just carriers.

As for the carrier, it depends on how it's built. If the whole ship is one bgl file, moving it is easy. Paul's carriers and the Virtual Navy's carriers are like that. Other carriers (like the nameless WW2 Brit carrier that comes with Robert Sanderson's Sea Hurricane) are composed of a number of bgl files. Relocating all of them, and having them all come together exactly right at the new location, looks pretty much impossible to me.
thanks guys for the added info. Some time ago i studied and read up on the development of the various programs to add working carrier functions, but i admit it has faded from my memory now. For now i decided to buy the Alphasim V2 USS Enterprise package and the Flight Deck 4 set as well to get things up and running, with them i think i will get working carreirs and planes and the systems to get them up and landed. I will study the other systems several of which i have downloaded as there is time. thanks again for all the help, you guys are really great.
Warning: Shameless plug for own work :engel016:

If you're into Dutch :holand:Things and want working marshaller and catapults officer... :salute:


[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Download:[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Regards,[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Marcel[/FONT]


funny thing about FS ... there's always a gem tucked away somewhere that you never knew about. This one's a keeper!! Well done!