The End of a Hunter


The Bordeaux-Red Baron

This was my third "Quicky" with the new patch. And it was tough!
In the end, it cost my pilot's life.

The music was intended to be another, but that was kicked out by YouTube.
Strange - everybody puts in their tunes, but me, who mentioned the artist at the end (which might sell him some more copies, and wasn't for my profit) wasn't allowed to do so.

Well, enjoy!
Anyway, till the crash, you`ve showed some great flying. You are a great, real great gunner. how is your average hit ratio?

Salute, Herr Baron!
That was cool m8!...(turn off the labels though, ya big sissy!!) :ernae:
GIANT: how is your average hit ratio?

Gone worse since patch 1.02, but haven't checked exactly. Before, it was between 15 and 25 %, rarely higher, as I make long range shots - a lot goes lost. The enemy shows damage though, and can't perform so good anymore - and the you get him!

Hi, Widowmaker! What's a "big sissy?"
Good one Olham.

I didn't see any labels, but ya, turning off the blue text would make for bit cleaner video.
Left it in, as it shows hits - the quality of the YouTube vids is quite lacking some detail.
Maybe that's what they mean, Widowmaker and Parky? That I'm showing off? Well, off course I want to show OFF here!
Olham, relax, you`re no sissy. Which res do you use to save your file to "moviemaker"?
Sorry Olham...just teasing!!... about having text aids in your combat! (just my English humour) :ernae:
GIANT, I've put FRAPS on "half-screen" recording, with 25 frames per sec.
When the movie is assembled (max. 10 minutes), I can "write" it onto F:OFF videos, choosing the maximum rate, until it shows 99 Megabyte (cause 1 GB is the maximum, YouTube would swallow).

WIDOWMAKER, you still haven't answered my question (I only know Sissy from Austria, but can't recognize any similarities - I can't even dance...).
If you won't tell me, I'll come across your field tomorrow (I'm in Jasta 12 now!! Three claims after two sorties!!!) Best, you give the boys a warning - we'll shoot everything up! So better hide your tea pots safe somewere (I'm a native Ostfriese - that's north-west, next to the Dutch and the North sea - and we're great tea drinkers too. So, I don't want to spoil your five o'clock tea).
Olham... Sissy means 'Girlie' in these parts.

And I am sorry to report, that two of your Black-Tailed friends won't be joining you in the mess tonight, and from what was left of them after today's sortie, it's time to empty their Lockers, and send that sad letter home to their loved ones!

Don't mess with the boys of '54' :ernae:
O-K-A-Y ! I heard zhat. I vill have a good bag of sleep now, and you wait untill tomorrow! Vee vill come over you like der Valkyries!!! Mmmuahahahahaaa!!!

[sleep well, WIDOWMAKER - try to count Albatros. I must do quite some work tomorrow, and so better go to bed now. Cheers! Olham]
O-K-A-Y ! I heard zhat. I vill have a good bag of sleep now, and you wait untill tomorrow! Vee vill come over you like der Valkyries!!! Mmmuahahahahaaa!!!

[sleep well, WIDOWMAKER - try to count Albatros. I must do quite some work tomorrow, and so better go to bed now. Cheers! Olham]

Goodnight Olham!...I shall dream of someday meeting you over the lines!
Okay. And here's an offer you can't resist: I'll make a skin for you, if you want (then I can recognise you better).
So, if you like, tell me a colour, and a sign, you'd like. (Your star/birth sign, for example. What d'you say?
wow!..thanks Olham..that would be fantastic!

A guy did a skin for me in CFS2..on a Mustang.... It was a Black Widow Spider (they are also known as the Widowmaker)

Anything like that would be superb!..Colour?... Anything except PINK! (yuk)
Hi, Widowmaker

Which plane type, and basic plane's colour (Squadron No.) do you want?
I'll have some time this afternoon.


PS: when I have TrackIR and pedals (hopefully soon), we can have our online fight.
That will certainly get hard, fighting a real pilot, in a plane as manoeuverable as the British types were...
Hi, Widowmaker

Which plane type, and basic plane's colour (Squadron No.) do you want?
I'll have some time this afternoon.


PS: when I have TrackIR and pedals (hopefully soon), we can have our online fight.
That will certainly get hard, fighting a real pilot, in a plane as manoeuverable as the British types were...

A 54 squadron Camel would be great!...Sorry, was'nt on this afternoon, was at work.

Perhaps a DV11 would be a comparable opponant??...scares the sh*t out of me I know!!

Yes, get TrackIR and we shall have a blast!!:ernae: